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California Lumber Production Figures
For the first time in history the lumber production of California went over the two billion foot mark in 1926.
But it will be very much different, indeed, in 1927. The available figures indicate that there rvill be a large reduction this year,
The advance production of 1926 over 1925 rvas very slight, since the 1925 totals hugged the trvo billion mark very closely. In that year the cut rvas:
White Pine ,
Sugar Pine
White Fir ,.
Douglas Fir
All others
Total .
The figures fior 1926 are as follows:
It will be seen that the total production of California in 1926was just 195,201,000 feet over 1925.
Redwood production in 1926 exceeded that of 1925 by only about thirteen million feet.
White Pine production in California rvas 11,038,000 feet less in 1926 than it was in 1925, while Sugar Pine prodnction increased in 1926 over 1925 just 53,46O,000 feet. This lvas a record production of Sugar Pine.
White Fir production in 1926 was 14,000,000 feet more than in 1925, and Douglas Fir production rvas about 11,000.000 feet more in 1926.
White Pine production in the Klamath Falls district advanced sharply however, in 1926, the 1925 total for that territory being only zLI,482,OW feet, and the 1926 production 410,943,000
Redrvood production in California for the first five months of. 1927 was at a rate considerably below the rate of cutting of. L926, the total cut for the first five months being 186,000,000 feet, as compared rvith the total year's produc: tion of 502,000,000 tor 1926.
White and Sugar Pine production, however, takes the biggest reduction, the figures so far this year running only about 6/o of the production figures for the same time last year.
Continuing at this rate, the lumber production of California lor 1927 is going to fall short of the 1926 figures by something like half a billion feet.