1 minute read
\{byerhaeuse imbroved c
,A lumber speciahy you'll be proud to ofu lour trade.
Tbe f.nest cedar siding you can buy
OW much better to have your cus' tomers say, "That was fine siding you delivered"than to have them only hall pleased. 'Weyerhaeuser improved cedar siding wins praise every time lrom contractors, carpenters and those who know lumber. Even thce who buy lum' ber only rarely cannot miss the extra fine appearance oI these neatly trimmed, securely tied bundles.
The extra quality is in the lumber itsell, in the workmanship and the way it is put up.
Expert sawing, neat trimming, correct seasoning and careful surlacing result in a product LOOV1 usable. This is further guaranteed by rigid grading, rechecking and inspection. To each bundle is attached a colored label bearing the Weyerhaeuser Bran4 the grade mark and the trade mark.
A trial order in a mixed car with other popular Snoqualmie items will prove all the above claims. See the Weyerhaeuser man.
Sizes: Bevel Siding, r/ ir,ch by 4, 5,6 8 and 1O inches; Bungalow Sidng, /a inch by & Io and l2inches.
Vc7erbacaser Impmnd Cedar Siding is anotberfeetan of tbc Weycrbactscr Pbs-a bryitg al oentagetbat bcrcfits eaerl dealcrutbo rses it. Ash tbe Veyerbaetset man.