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I Annual Picnic of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club
The Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club held their annual picnic and ladies day at Del Paso Park, Sacramento, Saturday, June 18th. Lunch was served in one of the pavilions at the park, and the afternoon was giveh over to games of various sorts. Baseball was one of the main ieatures of the afternoon with Mr. Walden, presiilent of the club, acting as umpire. About forty-five to fifty gathered to spend the day. Following is a list of those present.
C. H. Terret, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., San Francisco.
O. F. Folsom, Cetotex, San Francisco.
H. M. Isenhower and wife, Holmes Eureka Lbr. Co., Sacramento.
J, F. Holmes and wife, Woodland Lbr. Co., Woodland.
F. V. Holmes and wife. Holmes Eureka Lbr. Co., San Francisco.
E. S. McBride and family, Davis Lumber Co., Davis.
J. M. Montgomery, Silver Falls Timber Co., Stockton.
W. A. Walden and daughters, Home Builders Lbr. Co., Gridley.
W. N. Baker and wife, Friend & Terry Lbr. Co., Sacramento.
C. D. LeMaster and family, Secy. Sacramento Lumbermen's Club, Sacramento.
G. N. Whiteside, Hobbs-Wall Co., San Francisco.
Jo F. Sheppard and wife, Friend & Terry Lbr. Co., Sacramento.
W. F. Knox and family, Pioneer Lbr. Co., Sacramento.
Walter Miller, Knox Lumler Co., Sacramento.
Si Perkins and wife, Sacramento.
G. M. Cornwall, The Timberman, Portland.
L. A. Mclntyre, San Francisco,
W. A. Glenn, Coos Bay Lumber Co., San Francisco.
W, E. Dopkins, Hamniond Lumber Co., San Francisco.
W. H. Woods, "The California Lumber Merchant," San Francisco.