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Gus Russell Will Build Model Retail Lumber Office and Display Rooms at Martinez
. A. l. Russell
When the Santa Fe Lumber Company, new orvners of the old L. Anderson Company yard at Martinez, California, get through with their changes and improvements, the result is going to be one of the keenest and most attractive retail lumber plants in the whole state of California, according to the present plans of A. J. "Gus" Russell, head of the Santa Fe.
The yard is being renovated and modernized throughout, new lines of stock installed, and plans are being completed for an office that will be one of the most attractive places in the beautiful old city of Martinez. It will be inodern in every way. The plans are being made by Floyd A. Dernier, of the Lumbermen's Service Association' Los Angeles. They call for two display rooms in the'nerv building. One room will display a modern kitchen and porch, with buitt-ln features, futniture, etc., and, the other display room will be a model living room. The rest of the olftce building will be both practical and attractive.
The new ownels started their local campaign with a rush by inaugurating something Martinez had never seen, namely, a Red Tag Sale that lasted a week, beginning June 15th. All the bargains-were marked rvith a Red Tag, and specially priced, and scores of odds and ends of building material were disposcd of. The old yard and sheds rvere more than fifty years of age, and contained many interesting odds and ends of building material.
The Red Tag Sale was advertised by a red and black dodger that was printed and distributed round town, and also by big display ads of an interesting and punchful character that ran in the two local daily papers.
The dodgers that were mailed out to the local trade were accompanied by a very handsome home boosting insert, "Artistic Homes," showing eight attractive home plans.
The Martinez Lumber Company is being managed by an old Santa Fe Lumber Company man, Clarence Elsworth, who is a fine retiil lumberman, and a most progressive building merchant. Everything is being installed and planned at Martinez to give the building trade plenty of trhink about, and the new stocks installed, there will be another very live retail lumber institution in California.
Redwood- Association Announces Second Educational Redwood Contest Includin$ Dealers
The California Redwood Association, delighted rvith the results of the Redlvood educational contest rvhich they bonducted last year, announce a second, and far greater contest of the same sort, and for the same Purpose.
Last year the Association offered prizes for the Redrvood salesmen who would turn in the best information and experiences regarding nelv and interesting uses -of Redwood. The result was the gathering together of a huge budget of useful and practical ideas concerning Redwood use that has given not only the Association, but Redwood dealers and salesmen alike, much material for use in boosting the sale of Redrvood this year. They considered the contest a great success.
The last year contest was for California Redwood sales-
Andy Donovan Returns From Northern Trip
Andy Donovah, Los Angeles representative for HobbsWall & Co., is back at his desk again after several days' trip to the company's San Fran'cisco office and their mill operations at Crescent City. He accompanied J. M. Hotchkiss and G. N. Whiteside to the mill. He rvas ver;r much impressed by the Redwood Highrvay, and reports that conditions at the Redwood mills are very satisfactory.
men only. The new contest begins July first, ends December 31st, takes in the entire United States, and offers trvo sets of prizes, one for Redwood salesmen, and the other for Redwood dealers. There will thus be no competition between the dealer and the salesman who calls on him.
The Association wants ideas, suggestions, experiences, and practical plans, for extending the use of Redwood. Photographs will be strongly credited in judging the contest. Every lumber dealer who handles Redwood, and eviry salesman who sells Redwood, is urged to enter this contist.
There rvill be many prizes in each division, but the first prize in each will be $100 in cash.
There will be more about this in the next edition of The California Lumber Merchant.
W. A. Pickering, of Kansas City, President of The Pickering Lumber Cornpany, which has huge milling and timber interests in California, has arrived in Santa Monica, California, accompanied by his family, and will spend the summer there.