3 minute read
By Jack Dionne
Age not guaranteed-Some I have told f.or 2O years-Some less
Curing The Liquor Habit
United States Congressman Fritz Lanham, of Texas, far and away the most accomplished story teller in either House of Congress, likes to tell the story of the group of fariners, gathered around in the country store, who got to discussing liquor, liquor drinking, and finally the question of whether or not the liquor habit could be cured. Various opinions were offered, and finally one old farmer spoke up:
"Well, they do say, that there is a cure for the licker habit. Over in the next caounty Silas Simmon's boy Zeke has been drunk fer the last three years, and Silas heerd of a sure cure fer the licker habit, an' gave it to Zeke. They took the insides of three green gohrds, an' two pounds of green tobacco stems,'an' they put 'em on the stove an' biled 'em till they come to a simmerin' stew. They run the licker off of this stew, an' ihey served Zeke a pint of it suddenJike, airly one mornin'."
"Well" asked one of the listeners, "did it cute Zeke?"
"They can't tell ft," replied the first. "ft was three weeks ago they give this stuff to Zcke, an' he's jest gittin' so now that he can hold on his stummick a bit of water biled or the white of an egg. An' every time he sees a green gourd or a piece of tobacco stem he gits that excited they think he's got Saint Vitus Dance."
Smoking Ban in National Forests Effective June 15
As a fire prevention measure, the San Francisco headquarters of the United States Forest Service announces that on and after June 15, smoking will be prohibited in all national forests in California, except at improved camps and places of habitation. In the Eldorado, Stanislaus, Sequoia, Inyo and Mono National Forests the "no-smoking" order will apply only to areas around 7,500 feet or less Jn elevation and not to the high Sierra region. fn southern California, the Angeles, Cleveland, San Bernardino and Santa Barbara National Forests are already closed to smok- itg. This regulation will remain in effect until the fall rains eliminate the fire hazard..
, Careless smokers, according to the district forester, are the greatest of the many firi menaces to the fields and forests of California. Burning matches and tobacco thrown aside last year by thoughtless smokers started no less than 826 brush and forest fires in the state and caused untold damage to timber, watershed cover, grazing land and farm crops and improv,ements. A number of these fires swept over more than 5O,000 acres, burned several resorts and mining towns and also caused loss of human life.
"f "T a smoker myself," said Mr. Show, "and fullv appre- ciate the solaee of a good cigarette or pipe. But i firhly believe that where the preservation of the valuable timber forests of the state is at stake, personal pleasure should take second place. It is not the purpose of fhe Forest Service to attempt to restrict the privileges of smokers and we welcome them to the national forests with the hundreds of thousands of other people who annually come to these great summer reclreation grounds. But if they smoke in the forests they must learn to smoke only in such places as are designated, that is, at improved camps and places of human habitation.
"In 1926 we had 'no-smoking' regulations in force in m?ny natiohal forests of the state and through the fine spirit of cooperation on the part of the public we were able to materially reduce fire losses from such causes. But there were some people who insisted on smoking even in hazardous fire areas. fn one national forest we had 108 court cases for violation of the 'no-smoking' order, with fines ranging from $10 to $50 and totaling$Z,t<O. The protec- tion of our forests and watershed brush fields from fire during the dry summer months is at best a most difficult problem, and we look to people who enter these Federal areas for business or pleasure to consider seriously the fire prevention regulations in force and conduct themielves accordingly."
Hundreds of lumber manufacturers throughout the coun- tjy are usrng "Duralastiq" manufactured by The Gorton Company, Portland, Oregon, for general waterproofing purposes.
Among the California firms using this material for waterproofing dry kilns, roofs. etc., are: Standard Lumber Co.. Standard; McCloud Lumber Co., McCloud; Pacific Lumber Co., Scotia; Michigan-California Lumber Co., Camino, and Sugar Pine Lumber Co., Fresno.
Change Of Office And Yard
The Simeral Lumber Co., Pasadena. announces that after Jy"_9_6t their-office and yards will be located at the junction of Walnut Street and Huntington Ave. Their telephone number Colorado 2665, remaihs the same.
The Sterling Lumber Co., has made a management of their yards at Mountain lst and Mr. Ray Peil is now in charge.
change in the View on June