3 minute read
Phitippine Mahogany-What Is It?
By C. H. White, White Brothers, San Francisco
- Philippine hardwoods have found great favor in Amer- numerous and are in actual use no defect because the filler ican markets. The most popqbl-is what has been known and finish cover them up. Philippine Mahogany can be for twenty-Jea-rs or Tore ai Philippine M-ahogany. This obtained in a grade which is pialctically frie ito- fit u term usually is. applied to. a mixture 9f T{ngqrle and. needle holes; tliat is, within a ldeway of -5 or 10 per cent, Lauaan. They belong to the same family (tht Diptero- but vast quantities have these holes.' carps) and- merge- into one another in appearance, iolor, In ordering either grade, the matter of needle worm holeg texture and grain in such a manner that in the Manila mar- should be definitely Jtated. In addition to "First and Secket-they_are clrasled togjther as Philippine JVfahogany. onds" one or the other of the following clauses should be The Federal Trade Commission is -at the prelenl time used to avoid any misunderstanding:making investigations into the right of dealerl and manuractur&s as worm holes (not over 5 to Mahogany, _inasriuch as thise woods ilo not belong tb'the Mahogany family. A complaint has been made to t-he com- "Fine needle wormy." mission that the use of the word Mahogany in this con_nec- The National Hardwood Lumber Association Rules prolion.deceives the pu!_liq and injures the business of those vide for these two grades. dealing.in genuine Mahogany.- To-our minds this is ari The only difterenie in quality between these two grades academic g{istion only and will undoubtedly be settled in is in the number or qualiiy of needle worm holes. -They due time. The fact of its being taken up -by the United are both F, A. S. as iar as defects other than those menStates Government shows, however, the iirportance which tioned are concerned. The difierence in price, however, Philippine -hardwoods are assuming in thi woodworking is gfeater in proportion than the difiereirce itt quality. in$s-!fY 9f th-e country. - Whiie the needle'*ottt holes are no defect, inasm'uch is PhiliPPine Yqhgg.""y comes in two- shades of color- they are obliterated by the finish, they do reduce the price called Red and White. A better naming would be Dark and F. A. S. Fine Nei:dle Wormy Philippine is one oi the Red and I ight Red. The light colored or pink wood can cheapest of hardwoods. be stained to exactly_ the sam-e appearanci as the Dark For all ornamental purposes it finishes up practically as Rqd-_and is cheaper. It also takes a fine walnut stain. well as the stock whiih ii free from needl" *otttt", .t a it . Li\e. a great.many tropical woods, Philippine Mahogany is gaining great favor and being extensively used ior fur- is subject to the attack of worms. These worms, fiow- nitire, houJe trim, store and offi-ce fixtures, sash and doors ever, make only the finest pin or needle holes, are not very and other cabinet purposes.
The East Bay {oo-Hoo Club held their meeting at Oakland on June 17. Milt Hendrickson was the chairman of the day.
Professor Earl G. Linsley, of the Chabot Observatory, Oakland, was the speaker 6f the dav, Professor Linsldv is a very able speai<er and gave an excellent address on Astronomy. The attendance prizes rvere won by Milt Hendricksoh and J. E. Neighbor.
Among the visitors at the meeting were Robert S. Grant, vicegerent snark of the Bay District and J. M. Montgomery of Stockton. Mr. Grant suggested that e concatenation be held in Oakland in the near future, the date to be decided on at an early date. Announcement was made that the arrangements for the annual Bay District Hoo-Hoo were well under way.
The next meeting will be held on July 14.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Russell, of San Francisco, started north on June 25th for a delightful motor trip. They rvent up the Redwood Highway, then over to the Pacific Highway, and will visit the towns, cities, and sights of interest all the way up to Canada. They will be gone about three weeks.
Dunning And Chamberlin On Mountain Vacation
"Bill" Dunning, of the Little.River Redwood Company, and."Brtzz" Chamberlin, of .W. R. Chamberlin & Company, have been away from San Francisco for two weeks, fishing artd rusticating in the High Sierra.