2 minute read
A Symposium of Facts Showing the Tremendous Consumption of Oil and Oil Products in California by the
Lumber Industry of This State
It occurred to The California Lumber Merchant to conduct an investigation of its own for the purpose of discovering how big a customer of the oil indus[ry the lumber industry of California actually is. We went into the investigation little dreaming how deep a well we were digging into. The facts and figures are almost amazing in their size and suddenness. This is SOME customer of the oil merchants. is this lumber industry.
Read for yourself, and see. It's well worth the time and effort. Here are the facts:
The Lumber Industry is the third largest industry in the state of California. Employes over 25,00O people.
There are 381 billion feet of standing timber in the state. There is more standing timber in California than any other state in the Union, except Oregon.
Total consumption lor ?50 planning mills in the state for the year L926:
50,000 gals. of automobile gas.
LLZ,fuO gals. of mill oil.
15,000 gals. of cylinder oil.
177,56 gallons.
. Automobiles
_- (Exclusive for lumber business-not pleasure)
Wholesale and Mill Representatives-There are about 1,000 automobiles used in the state by wholesale and mill representatives calling on the retail and industrial lumber trade.
Each salesman averages 2M miles per month-most of these men cover the country territorv.
Machines averaged 15 miies p.t gillon of gas or 146 2/3 gallons of 'gas per month. Oil consumption is ll gallons
(Retail Lumber Yards, Sawmills, Planing Mills) per month'
6,500 trucks are used in the lumber industry..__There are t'* cars per month 146'666 about 900 retail lumber yards, 250 planing mills and 100 saw mills. The number'or-rl*t
96 per ccnt of the total lumber production.
Retail Lumber Salesmen
There are approximately 900 retail lumber yards in Calion and Gas consumption per Month ror an Average i:Ua a totar Yard For October, 1926 gas or 6 2/3 gallons per month. Oil consumpticin is ll
Each salesman alerages 1,000 miles per month-mostly Gas Oil for city travel. Machines average 15 miles per gallon of Gal.
Average truck consumption per month
Total gas consumption per month, 6.500 trucks .1,475,5n
Total oil consumption per month. 6,500 trucks
2000 barrels of fuel oil was consumed by one mill in the state during the year 1926. This mill cut about 6O,000,m0 f.t. in 1926. Approximately 2,000,000,000 ft. of lumber was cut by the mills of the state during 1926. 10O mills cut 96 per cent of this total cut.
(The mills are also large purchasers of oil and gas for carriers, tractors, etc.)
Plaping Mills
'Total consumption for operating an average Planing Mill operation during 1926:
20O gals of automobile gas.
450 gals. of mill oil.
60 gals of cylinder oil.
When this investigation was made a few months ago, there were at that time 140 vessels operating in the Coast wide. trade transporting lumber into California Ports.
125 vessels carry lumber from Washington and Oregon.
15 vessels carry lumber from California ports.
During 1926 over 2,000,000,000 ft. of lumber imports arrived in California ports by coastwise vessels.
Average vessel uses: lf Banels tubricating Oil per month.
871 Barrels of Fuel Oil per round trip while travelirg.
17 Barrels per round trip while in port.
5 Gallons Cylinder Oil per month.
30 Gallons Kerosene per month.
(Continued on Page 78.)
It takes real courage and foresight to dump all your eggs in one basket. Thatts what wetve done.