1 minute read
Serving the Lumb er Industry Highest Protection-Lowest Cost
The Associated Lumber Mutuals are your companies, organized and operated by lumbermen to serve the lurnber industry. Our first service to our policyholders is to provide the most efrcient cooperation possible toward fire prevention. If all such efforts fail and 6re does come, the policyholder muet be protected against loss. Our retources guarantee payment of Ioss and we have a reputation for fair adjustments and prompt payment of claims. The third consideration is the cost of this service. Dividends to policyholders represent an approximate saving of 40/o in insurance cost.
YYhrtcvcr englc you conridcr-rcrvicc, protcction, cort-it witl pey eny lumbcranan to carry hir inrurrncc vith thc Arocirtcd Lunbcr Mutuetr, lVritc to rny of our comprnicr bclow for furthcr infonnrtion er to thc rdventrger our policicr oficr to you.