4 minute read
Singing the Pattern
By Adeline M. Conner, Sacramento, Calif.
' Magical beauty of the far east, tender blue of Oriental skies,"vagrant breezes heavy with -the pungent odors of sandalwo6d, frankincense and myrrh, a spacious caravansary containing two or three hundred looms, eighteen or trventy boys Fusily working at each one, and a master *"u,r., singing the pattern. That is the romance of modern rug making in lands beYond the sea.
-alifornia, "lying down the middle of the world," radiant splendoi o1 ttler sun drenched skies, tang. of spicy breezes, majesty of mighty forests-; racuous, roaring voiccs "i t"-U.t riritts, quiet-industry of rhen and women in offices, and warehouses; homes-springin-g up -as. though.by masic. barren wastes that are transformed into thrttty torJns'and teeming cities, and a Master Builder singing the pattern. Thaiis the romance of the lumber industry in our California of todaY.
'Tis a wondrous task the lumbermen of California have in hand, for in it are to be found rnore opPortunities. for true service to the state, the community, and the individu4l, than in any other department of human effort.
Of first importance to us all are the homes of the land, the schools, flaces of amusement, and factories of our advancing civiiization. We are no long-er content with a buildin? which merely sports four walls and a roof, we demand-comfort, utility, and beauty in every building fjom the stately sky-scrapei to the humble kennel in which Fido spends his hours of ease.
Few of us can even hope to become Master Builders' The clear vision which enables one to comprehend the wonder and beauty of the pattern and to see the task as a completed whole is a rare gift possessed only by the mo-re favored ones of earth; but each-one of us may.listen to the song-each one in his appointgd place may strive to understand, and so build his little part in so fine a manner that it witi be forever worthy of ihe excellence and glory that is to be.
Our place in the great scheme may be a very small.rretr att insignificani otte, but it need never be.-ignoble, if we will bu1 realize that even the humblest builder can make the structure stronger and more beautiful by his faithfulness and earnestness,-or mar it by his weakness and inefficiency. As the individual weaver heeding the- song of the masier weaver creates in his little corner of the priceless tapestrv, the exquisite palmette, or the perfect -lotus bud, so the lumbermln, true to the song of the Master Buiider, may build worthily, build truly, remembering that,-
We celebrate today the birthday of the California Lumber Merchant, the pattern song of the Master Builder, Jack Dionne. Trvice each month, during the short years of its existence it has come into our homes and offices, singing the pattern and affording us fair glimpses of that rvhich may-be attained to if rve are true to the dreams and ideals of its founder.
It comes with its rvealth of invaluable information, its practical suggestions, its kindly rebukes for our shortcomings, its plani for civilized competition and workable business ethics. It comes with its bits of sentiment, touching the heart lnd quickening the sensibilities; it comes with its dreams and ideals, its ilean humor, its brotherly humanities; and sometimes through the power of its inspiration we catch fair glimpses of a gleaming structure made by human hands and hearts and brains, a temple wondrous to behold-a dream come true-the lumber industry functioning worthily, harmoniously; efficiently, wisely, humanely.
The California Lumber Merchant is the voice of the Master Builder singing the pattern of obstacles overcome, littleness, jealousy, greed, and unfairness vanquished, of comforts, luxuries, conveniences and beauties that are to be. Singing the pattern of Better Homes in which love and faith m-y dwell, to which little children may come, _in which character may grow strong, and all the shining virtues may bd developed, from which men and lvomen may come foith to bless the world with their knowledge, kindliness, and courageousness. Singing the pattern of worthy deeds, true servile, tolerance, generosity,-of all that makes life fairer, more endurable, more beneficial. Singing the pattern of cooperativd. effort, intensive labor, brotherly alliance, right thinking a'nd right living'
And the song has "mad"i: a. differ." The leading lumbermen of California, together with many of the rank and file are awake to the responsibilities u'ith which they are entrusted. \Me are almost to a man finding that our industry demands the best that we can bring to it. The Mr. Pips are fading out of the picture and their places are rapidly being filled by keen eyed, alert minded men, wise in their own generation, filled with the "will to do," and ready to ser"e, to work with intelligence, to learn a little every day.
And the song of the Master Builder
May quicken each weary heart,
And the blocks we bring to the temple
Of the whole be a worthy part;
For the structure is more than the pattern
(Continued from Page 85) iust as valuable an asset to him as the good will and iriendship of his customers. He requires both in order to make his business a success.
Given a continued fair volume of business, Southern California dealers will eventually put the retail lumber birsiness on a proper dividend paving basis because the majority of them are determined to do it. Just how long it will take depends entirely on the length of time it will require to either educate or for the bankruptcy courts to force the individual dealer to see that his hope for future profits lies in co-operative activity and not in lone handed haphazard effort.
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