1 minute read
Prograrrt^, Millwork Institute of California
All delegates not accompanied by their wives will be housed at the PACIFIC COAST CLUB. Those bring- inp' their wives will be taken care of at THE gR-Eefen"S HOTEL, which is within four blocks of the Club. _. The ladies, as well as the men, will be provided with 'iggest cards" according them all'privileges of the Club. All should register at the Club immediatEly upon arrival.
Thursday, July 2gth
9:00 A.M.-Registration of delegates and their wives in Club Fover
9:30 A.M.-Directors Meeting in Room 2.
10:30 A.M. to 12:30 p.M.-Gineral Business Session in
Main Librarv.
P.M.-Inspection of -Club.
P.M.-Buffet Luncheon for the men in Sunset Room.
P.M.-Luncheon for the ladies in'Tea Room.
P.M.-Committee Meetings and Luncheon in Rooms 2 and 3.
P.M. to 5 P.M.-General Business Session in Main Library.
P.M. to 6:50'P.M.-Metamorphosis (See Brownie or Tom Merrell).
P.M.-Informal Banquet, Entertainment and Dancing, in the Sunset Bqnquet Hall for delegates and their ladies. The banquet and ""rrt"._ tainment will be of a hieh order. Music will be furnished by the Cl-ub's-broadcasting orchestra.
Friday, July 29th l0:30 to 12:30 P.M.-General Business Session in Main .Library. l:00 P.M.-Committee Meetings and Luncheon in Rooms 2 and 3.
8:00A.M.-swimming in the Club pool or Surf, as pre- ferred.
9:30 A.M.-Breakfast in Tea Room.
1:00 P.M.-. Buffet Luncheon for the men in Sunset Room.
1:00 P.M.-Luncheon for the ladies in Tea Room.
2:30 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.-General Business Session in Main Library.
5:00 P.M. to 6:50 P.M.-Brownie and Tom Merrell will hold a "session on the roof."
7:00 P.M.-Smoker for the men in the Tea Room. There will be music, boxing and wrestling bouts, and other requirements for a real party.
7:00 P.M.-Dinner for the ladies in the Sunset Room. (The ladies, and those delegates who do not smoke, will be furnished with admission tickets to all concessions along the "pifts"Long Beach's amusement pier.)
Saturday, JulY 30th
The entire day, as well as Sunday if desired, will be given over to relaxation. Select your choice from the following: Golf, at the Virginia Country Club, Long Beach.
Tour of Long Beach.
Harbor Boat Trip.
Boat Trip to Catalina Island.
Train or automobile trip to Tia Juana, Mexico. Boat trip to Ensenada, Mexico.
JULIUS BACK Preridcnt .4,. A. DERRY, Jr. Sccy.-Trcer.
PERCY D. MARKS Vicc-Prcridcnt