1 minute read
MIC SEZ: ttThe way to get good competitors ia to be one.tt
Along the line of Standard Trade Practices it might be well to incorporate a few ideas of what Sash & Door service meanE. At the present time we will go as far for one China Closet Door, as we will for a list of Sash & Doorr for a ten room house, and at the end of it all there isn't a dime in it. It is up to us to educate the public in knowing what they want, and how to order i! or make a charge for such service. Both will be hard to do, but it is hard to make money now days .ny way boys, so take your choice.
"Greedy competiton are the cause of unfriendly competitive relations and t'he creatorc of unsound conditions." Food for thought-it ir indeed true. Every one must eat and every factory must lrave a job now and then. We believe that the t(xtner dl the operators, both large and rmdl, recognize the fact that every one must have romething and discard the idea that all of the business belongs to him, that much cobner will we have harmony and make a profit on our investment.
A rtory is told of Peruvian Mules. At night when dl the herd is together in their urual resting place tfiey are gattered in a circle with their young in the middle. The guard of the herd pacec arormd the outside of the circle and should a wild animal appear on the scene the guard brayr, at which signal all the herd putr their heads together. In thic poaition with the south end of the mule exposed any animal in the world ir defied to attack. That is what we need gmtlemen, let's get our heads together, cooperate and be good competitort.
Estab[shed in 1885