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YearslDoings of the San Joaquin Club
By F. Pean Prescott, President
F. Dean Prescott.
The club has held five meetings during the year. It is the policy of the Club to hold at least two meetings a year which will be followed by a social event such as a dinner dance or picnic, and the ladies are always invited to these special events.
In the business sessions of the Club there has been much discussion concerning the subject of Trade Ethics. Considerable discussion has been held over the subject of Reforestation. Also of Fire Prevention, particularly in the Forests. We have carefully considered the subject of Uniform Lien Law, as the subject was presented to us through the California Retail Lumber Association by their representative here at our meeting on October 9th, L926, and again at our meeting on February Sth, 197. This club did not recommend indorsement of the Uniform Lien Law for the reason that Attorneys in this State have advised that our present Lien Law is better than the lJniform Lien Law.
The Annual meeting of this Club rvas held on the sth of February and celebrated the establishment of the Club for 31 years. As far as we know, we are the oldest established Retail Lumber Club in the United States. At this meeting in February, retiring President Elmore W. King, was appointed a delegate to attend the Western Retail Lumber Convention held at Tacoma, Washington, in February 23rd, to 26th, 1927. The new officers elected at the Annual meeting are as follows : F. Dean Prescott, President; S. P. Ross, First Vice-President; Chas. Schaffer, Second VicePresident; Frank F. Minard, Secretary; Ben , Maisler, Treasurer.
The First President of the San Joaquin Lumbermen's Club was F. K. Prescott, who is now an honorary member of the Club and still living in Fresno, having retired from
A wedding of much interest to the lumber trade was solemnized in San Francisco on 'Wednesday, June 22nd., in the old Mission Delores. The bride was Miss Genivcve Nicholson, daughter of Ed. Nicholson, of Los Angeles, head of the Pacific Sash & Door Cor.npany, and the groom Mr. Kenneth L. Shipp, of Oakland, California, proprietor of the California Builders Supply ,Company, of Oaklaiid.
The wedding yas solemnized by Archbishop Hanna, and mafly of the relatives and friends of both bride and groom journeyed to San Francisco for the wed ing.
the active lumber business over twenty years ago. F. K. Prescott is the pioneer organizer of the Valley Lumber Company, having started in business in Fresno in 1883 organizing the Valley Lumber Company in 1889. F. Dean Prescott, who was elected President of the San Joaquin Lumbermen's Club February Sth, 1927, is the oldest of his two sons, and now occupies the position of Vice-President and General Manager of the Valley Lumber Company.
The San Joaquin Lumbermen's Club has assisted the Hoo-Hoo Club No. 31 of Fresno in entertaining Snark of the Universe Hood at a big meeting in Fresno on March 22nd. They also assisted the Hoo-Hoo Club in putting over a big prog'ram in Fresno in connection with "Friends of the Forest 'Week."
During the past year the Club has lost by death three of its staunch and loyal members, Arthur W. Heavenrich of Madera, who had been a member of the Club for more than fifteen years, and Charles M. Cross of Merced and Joseph G. Martin of Fresno, who have.been in the Club for twentyfive years. The latter being Treasurer of the Club at the time of his death.
The Club held a very interesting meeting in Yosemite Valley on June llth, convening at Camp Curry at lunch at 1:00 o'clock. One of the principal talks listened to with much interest at this meeting was that given by George M. Cornwall, relating his observations an'd experiences on a recent trip to Australia and the South Seas; also a talk by Reginald T. Titus, Field Man of the West Coast Lumber Trade Extension Bureau. An attendance of more tlian sixty was recorded at this meeting.
The Club is in prosperous condition and functioning in splendid shape.
P. C. MoNevin, General Sales Manager for The Pacific Lumber Company, spent several days in Los Angeles recently, conferring with A. L. "Gus" Hoover, their Southern representative. Mr. McNevin made a most optimistic report on conditions in the Redwood market in all territories, and declared it as his opinion that,this excellent situation is the. direct result of the fine efforts at better and wider merchandising and closer cooperation in business, that the Redwood men have been making for the past two years under the banner of the California Redwood Association. He could see nothing but good times ahead for the Redwood business.