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Everybodv Sains br. an E]L IRIEI Gua ra nteed R.oof
Dealq Selb fil'Iore fuIatcrialEl Rey Guaranteed RooG are built up with two or. more layers of roofing and of asphalt, topped with gavel. This makes rwo or three times as much material as is used with a single layer rcof -at the same time giui"g correspondingly gtflite.f, value to the owner.
Contra&or's Work Standardi<ed-El ReyGuaranteed Roofs are all installed according to specifications prepared by us. This saves the conrra&or the bother of working out specifications of his own-it simplifiees and sandardizes his work-and it places the final responsibility for the quality of the roof upon us.
Oynq Guaranteed Satisfaetion-The owner knows that, for a period of ten or t\^'enty /a6, depending on the type of El Rey Guaranteed Roof sele&ed, he is absolutely assured of a good roof. Back of that guarantee is one of the oldest and largest roofing conceffrs in the west. Stocked ,utith the complete El Rey line, you dre InE dred to Tnovide material for any kind of asphalt raf-smooth or slate surface or shingles. Witefor prhes and full particularc.