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John Johnson Flooring Company
Probably one of the best knorvn and most outstanding concerns in the local flooring field today is the John Johnson Flooring Company, located at 6812 Santa Monicj Boulevard, in the City of Moviedom, called Hollyn'ood.
_ Organized something over twenty years ago, the Johnson Flooring Company's rise to fame has been rapid. During that time they have built up a business in both the retail and wholesale fields which is nothing short of astounding, which is the direct result, according to company officiali, of their policy of quality materials, square deiling, efficient service and protection to the dealer. Today the John Johnson Flooring Company can look rvith pride on theii materials and installations, which include some of the most prominent residences and business structures in this section of the country. Among these might be mentioned Grauman's new Chinese Theatre in HoTlywood; the pretentious Janss residence in fashionable Holmby Hills;-the administration building at Bel-Air, one of Los Angeles' most exclusive suburbs; the Los Angeles Knitting Mills at Hollydale, and the new high school building n-orv being constructed at Torrance.
It was not so many years ago, as time is counted, that John Joh_nson, head of the company which bears his name, heedin_g_Horace_ Greeley's adviCe t6.the youth of that day, came West to Los Angeles. John was young, aggressive, and filled with that indomitabie spirit of deteimiii'tion for which the Swedish folk are so reputed. Of money he had little, but--he-did possess the determination to make good. Incidentally he tobk his first job in a laundry.
But the cleaning of clothes was not for John. He aspired to.greater things and eventually the ofportunity pre- sented itself to him to become associated -rvith a-titail lumber concern which eventually developed into a partnership.
As time went on and business prospered, John Johnson decided to strike out for himself and thus the John johnson Flooring Company in Hollywood rvas inaugurated, a busi- ness that today is one of the most outstanding in the industry and which numbers among its clientele wholesale and retail customers throughout all of Southern California.
Until two years ago, the business of the company was retail only, but officials of the concern, forseeing the need of a complete organization in order to meet the demands placed upon it, entered the wholesale field and the success which they have attained in this short period is fitting evidence of the high regard in which the organization is generally held.
The photographs which accompany this article will reveal, in some measure, how ideally equipped the company is to take care of the requirements of their hundreds of wholesale and retail customers. In addition to a commodious warehouse and fleet of delivery trucks for fast delivery service, the John Johnson Flooring Company maintain one of the most attractive .and best equipped offices to be found anywhere, with a corps of office assistants and a sales force schooled in all matters pertaining to flooring problems.
The company not only supplies everything in the way of flooring materials, but also are equipped with men and facilities to make expert installations. In addition, they operate a department devoted exclusively to the cleaning and resurfacing of hardwood floors which, incidentally, has come to be one of the most important phases of their business.
Both John Johnson and F. M. Connelly, General Manager of the company, are alive to the value of sound merchandising methods. Nothing in the way of new equipment or developments in the industry escapes their notice, for they have found that with each step of progress which they make in the development of the business, they attain better results. The company is a consistefrt user of and firm believer in sound, constructive advertising and, according to Mr. Connelly, they attribute to this sound merchandising and advertising policy much of the company's success, and F. M. Connelly, there are several other good men and true who have served the organization well over a considerable period.
The John Johnson Flooring Company can lvell be proud of its progress and the outlook that the future holds in store for it. It will continue to grow, as it has in the past, strictly along the path of service. It has played, and undoubtedly rvill continue to play an irnportant part in the commercial and industrial development of Los Angeles.
Connelly, who has had years of experience in the lumber and flooring business, came to the John Johnson Company trvo years ago as General Manager. Frank Connelly is so rvell and favorably knorvn to the trade that we feel any introduction here would be superfluous. For a number of years he was in charge of the Flooring Department of the Woodhead Lumber Company and left that concern rvith an enviable record to take over the duties of General Manager of the John Johnson Flooring Company.
In addition to John Johnson, President of the concern,