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We are specialized Wholesale Dealers in these quality Productg.
Cedar Shingles
Redwood Shingles
Redwood Shakes
Redwood Ties
Redwood Posts
The texture and pattern of "Perfection" Brand Oak Flooring make possible a finish that is seldom found on any other flooring.
You can depend upon "Perfection." In three modern plpnts operated by skilled lumbermen, only the finest oak is selected. After proper seasoning and kiln-drying, it is perfectly milled and matched so that it lays smooth and stays smooth. It is graded and handled so carefully that upon arrival anywhere, it is always in perfect condition. Leading lumber dealers gladly feature this nationally advertised brand.
trenpeer'uqN' Brand Oak Flooring
7'ltere's a size and grade for eter! structure, new or o ld
Write today for full particulars.
Douglas Fir Lumber and Timbers
White Pine
You can't improoe either our grades or our seroice. Make us prooe it.