2 minute read
Robbins Flooring Go.
ln "Robbine" Flooring you are a$ured of thc very 6nest that has ever been, or ever will be produced. Our geographical location, ttre modern machinery in our mill, and the type of men who make our flooring, all go to make thie statement possible. "Robbins" Maple and Birch Flooring is the best.
Southcrn Cdlfornir:
C. J. LAUGHLIN, CCil PctroLur tl*urltic B|ft., Lo. AlgGlo
The Perfect Surface For ENAII{EL FINISH
Qnarter arrd three-eighths inch 3 Ply-18,24, 30 and 36 inches wide to 84 inchec long-all grader
One-eigh'th inch clear rotary cut veneer, 18 to 48 inches wide to 86 inchea lo,ng Manufactuned by the coos
Nrthm Califorde:
(Continued from Page 108)
The sale of lumber not a White Pine as a substitute for the Eastern White Pine, and the selling of a true White Pine under the name of "Sugar Pine," are responsible for a great deal of confusion in the minds of eastern bu-v-ers as to the true character of California Pine. Some think California lumber an unsuitable substitute for Eastern White Pine because they have purchased under the name of "California White Pine, (Trade Name)", a product rvhich is not a true White Pine, and they are unwilling to consider a trial of Sugar Pine as White Pine because of the experience they have had in using what is called California White
Pine (Trade Name). From the standpoint of the Sugar Pine producer, an intensive educational and advertising program in the interest of California's true White Pine (Pinus Lambertiana or Sugar Pine) is a vital necessity.
While it is true that reports indicate that the California mills are at present producing to normal capacity in order that they may give such lumber as they do cut full advantage of summer drying weather, expressed intention indicates that not less than 3O/o less lumbenvill be produced this year than last.
A survey of the last 90 days'production shorvs that 153,000,000 less was produced than for the same period last season. On the other hand, 20,000,000 feet more lumber rvas sold and 25,000,0OO feet more shipped. This would seem to simplify the problem of marketing California lumber to the extent of 178,000,000 feet, and should do much to reduce such evils as attend overproduction.
From time to time efforts have been made to establish mill-to-consumer plans of merchandising western lumber. These have. been successful only in part because it is the custom of the trade to buy through established eastern wholesale lumber dealers. Producers find it very much to their advantage to avail themselves of these channels of lumber distri-bution

More of a disposition on the part of the distributor to co-operate with and loyally serve the producer, and less of an inclination on the part of the manufacturer to recognize other than reputable, high-grade representatives, thoroughly ttnderstanding the problems of distribution and in every way qualified to sell, will make for a much better condition in the industry generally. To put it plainly, overproduction has tempted many of the manufacturers to offer their stock to incompetent and irresponsible Toms, Dicks, (Continued on Page 129)