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E. K. W-ood's Oakland Yard
time, but they have been supplanted by trucks for delivery purposes and Ross carriers and "Jitneys" for yard work. A monorail system is used for loading trucks and assembling material for running in the mill.
The mill capacity has more than been doubled since the start of this yard, and flooring, redwood and rough dry sheds have been added, enabling a complete stock to be carried from which shipments to inland points, via the Southern Pacific, \Mestern Pacific and Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroads, can be made. Dry kilns, loading and_unloading devices have been added also to speed up production.
The yard ends in a thousand feet of wharf, located on the Oakland Estuary, where the company's boats, the M. S. Lassen, S. S. Shasta, S. S. Siskiyou, S. S. Olympic, S. S. Cascade and the S. S. El Capitan, as well as other vessels bringing in lumber can dock.
In the summer of. I9CF, the E. K. Wood Lumber Company, realizing the possibilities of the East Bay District, moved their San Francisco yard to what is now the Oakland yard at Frederick and King Streets. Mr. Geo. Waddell was made manager of this new venture.
When business was first started in this location about thirty million feet of lumber was handled, of which the greater part was shipped to interior points by railroad. In the year 1926 over fortv-two million feet of lumber was handled, of which less fhan two million was shipped out by rail.
At first horses were used, both for yard work and delivery, as many as thirty-four having been at work at one
This yard is a_ branch of the large organizatjon of the sarye_napf, _oryni1S large stands of timber in Washington and British Columbia, and operating two sawmills in Washington, one at Hoquiam, the othei at Anacortes. A mill was operated in Bellingham until 1925, when it was destroyed by fire.
Mr. A. M. S. Pearce came to Oaklancl from the Los An99199 yard- to -take charge of this yard in 1918. Mr. James McNab who is now assistant manager came into th-e emp.loy of E. K. Wood Lumber Complny in 1916. Mr. M. Cattran, superintendent has been wlth ihe firm since 1910. * A distributing yard is maintained at 1298 Hopkins St. in Berkeley, and a sales office at fr63 Webster Sf.. Oakland. both of which are under the direction of Mr. Pearce. About one hundred and seventy-five persons are employed in all.