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Retail Lumbermen's Association Picnic At Pomona
More than 300 attended the annual Picnic of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association at Ganesha Park on Saturday, June 11th.
One of the features of the picnic rvas the First Annual Retail Lumbermen's Golf Tournament, which was held on the beautiful course of the Mountain Meadows Country Club, Pomona. 3O lumbermen participated in the tournament and the tee off was begun promptly at 9:00 a.m.
Following luncheon at the picnic grounds, the afternoon was spent in outdoor sports which included running races for the girls and boys, ladies' races, nail driving contest for the ladies, men's bald headed race, tug-o-war and baseball game. It was a bad day for the wholesalers as they were defeated by the retailers in the tug-a-war, and were also on the losing end of the baseball game, the retailers winning 5 to 2. Chas. Curran acted as master of ceremonies of the sports events.
Following the field events, the winners of the golf tournament were announced as follows: First low gross, Frank Burnaby; second low gross, R. A. Emison; third low gross, R. G. Holden; fourth low gross, B. Anawalt; First low net; A. H. Hoel; second low net, D. McCallum; third low net, D. H. Fickling; fourth low net J. L. Tomlinson; fifth low net, C. Suiter; sixth low net, R. M. Holmes; seventh low net, Earl Vickery; eighth low net, W. R. Vanderwood; ninth low net, William Wright; most pars, S. J. Hathaway; highest net score, D. C. Essley; and highest gross score, C. L. Wallace
Rob Witter, president of the East Los Angeles County Lumbermen's Club, presented the prizes to the winners in
ENGINEERS end MAilMACruRERS SLOW SPEED BLOWERS AND EXHAUSTERS, COMPLETE DUST COLLECTTNG AIR COOLED SYSTEMS BURNERS STACKS AND @NVEYORS the golf tournament. The following donated the prizes: first low gross, loving cup by the California Retail Lumbermen's Association; second low gross, J. W. Koehl & Son; third low g'ross, Standard Gypsum Co.; fourth low gross, Universal Silica Stucco Co.; First low net, loving cup by "The California Lumber Merchant"; second low net, Hipo- lito Co.; third low net, Buttress Manufacturing Co., and highest gross, Pioneer Paper Co. The Glendale Lumber dealers donated the prizes for the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth low net scores, greatest number of pars and highest net scores.
To win permanent possession of the loving cups presented for the low gross and lorv net scores, these prizes will have to be rvon twice.
Everybody pronounced the picnic a big success and a delightful day was had by all who attended. The members of the East Los Angeles County Lumbermen's Club acted as hosts during the day and saw that everybody was well taken care of and had a fine time.
The committee in charge of the arrangements included: Chas. Curran, Curran Bros., Inc., Pomona, chairman; Bob Witter, Hammond Lumber Co., Pomona; Gerald Curran, Curran Bros., Inc., Pomona, and S. R. Larrabee, California Portland Cement Co., Pomona. The committee in charge of the golf tournament included: Gerald Curran, S. R. Larrabee and Walter McDonough, Hammond Lumber Co., Los Angeles. J. E. Martin, "The California Lumber Merchant," acted as referee, and Earl Forseman, professional, $4ountain Meadows Country Club, supervised the handicaps and rules in the tournament.