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The ositive Guide
To Thoroughly Ktln.Drled Douglas Fir Lumber
The llark of QualltyIDependabtltty and Drynecc
You and your customers are positively assured that every piece of Fir Lumber bearing this trade mark is thoroughly Kiln Dried, for
-c.c.&.c.f,.- is a trade mark that is placed only on thoroughly Kiln Dried $16gk-ihs rnalk on Lumber that stands for dryness as well as quality and dependability - another reason why "lts Worth the Difference."
Let this trade mark be your guide . to Thoroughly Kiln Dried Douglas Fir Lumber. (Part Dry and green products carry other brandsl )
Santa Fe Lumber Company
(A. J. "Gur" Rucell)
Distributors in Califomia and Arizona
Ceneral Offices:
Srn Frencirco, Celifornia
St. Clair Building 16 Celifornie Strcct
So. Califomia Office; Lor Argclcr, Crlifornia
E67 Pecific Elcctric Building
Brucc L. Burlingrnc, Agcnt " Sudden Seroice" of,