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33Reeorrrrnended for anlr Glass of Goncrete Gonstruetiontt
The following riport was made by a large midwest engineering firm (name upon request) after pouring several thousand barrels of Monolith Waterproof Portland Cement at temperatures around freezing or below:
215 West 7th Stteet, Los Angeles, Calif. Phone TRinits 7036
"ln the handling of this product, we find that it holds all aggregates in suspension without any separation. All transportation spouts are clean and clear at all times. It is indeed a remarkable improvement and development in Portland Cement. We can sincerely recommend this product for any class of concrete construction.tt
This is only one of many written statements from engineering firms and contractors, certifying to the adaptability and economy of Monolith 'Waterproof Portland Cement for all kinds of waterproof concrete and plaster construction. Aslc our representatives to show you what others have said, or write for booklet containing testimonials from many users.