2 minute read
Something New in Casement Hardware
lumber, it har the efrect of stiffening backr in thil teritory, who will hesitate to sell ctockr at ultra-low pricer that rnay not be replaceable at that price.
It reem.r from this rpot in the road that prorpectc for tte lumtner in the lumber market are fairly good. Lurnber ie being more generally rold at a profit at ttir time than at any tirne in the part three yearr, and if the rellerr will ark a profit on tteir goodr, whether it be mill, wholecale, or reteil, the Iumber busine$ will be good in California.
The volume of busines ir here, it har alwayr been here, and will always be here. All that ir needed ir rane relling and a fair profit on every rde.
pany's Los Angeles officb, has been connected with the millwork industry for the past twenty-five years, and was formerly superintendent of the Santa Barbara Lumber Co. at Santa Barbara. A. R. \&'oods is sales manager of the rhe watertite casement Hardware co...or Los Angele' making shipments are now offering the building trade something nerv in casement hardwa.re.
E. W. Cummings, president of the company, says: "Some ,i months aso your editorial page inctuded iome sane re-
OS$OOd AISO CglebfateS
Seventh Anniversary in
move Los Angeles
outwardly, and whe' sash is positioned at any devised. point Bob Osgood, vice president and general manager of the the screen- is swung back into the frame-' A very simple, wheeler-d"good Co-p"ny at Los A-ngeres, is also" celebrat- economical and watertite condition' W. .?T. thoroughly ing his seveith birthday in this territ-ory. Bob came from protected by-patents, and so far,- every-builder and archi- Sinta Barbara to take'charge of the ctmpany's Los An- tect that we have shown our models to have stated that at rast_the reaky.casement probrem has been solved. we have ffiT, hffiX.tl,:,f,1;r111"*irf
?l,t\:'#ir.tff?'r: H';
made many installations to test out durability, etc', and made many {riends ".rd L..o*. ....-ry popul"r in this district. ' ost gratifying'" ...r^^+..-^r tr--- +L^ So if you are out in his neighborhood stop in and have reSUltS nave Deen mr watertite casement hardware is manttfactured- b-)l the one on Bob and one on The california Lumber Merchant. best possible methods. The pivotal bearings. on all Watertite Sash Adjusters are all brass against steel. The specially hrass housed power spring (4 to each sash) does not sustain any weai whatever. " Friction is strictly confined to large headed brass pivots and original stiffness of adjusters reriain. This mecillica-l discoiery is original witn the
Watertite Casement ltrardware Company. Their casement hardware consists of Sa-sh Adjuster \_o. 10, Screen Ad-
RedWOOd SpeCified
FOf NeW Pief ROOf
Redwood was specified by the State of California for the ju{9r No. 20, and Combination Latch No. 30. roof of the new pier No. 48, at the old China Basin, San
The company have several full size models at their dis- Francisco. Ttre .1O7,000 feet oi 2x6 T & G Heart Common glay headquarters at 415O South Main street, Los Angeles. Redwood required for this job will be furnished by the Mr. Cummings, who makes his headquarters at the com- various Redwood mills.