1 minute read
Itccorrntck Timbers Speetlted for the Sutter By Pass fob
Into that big construction job, the Sutter By Pass of Sutter County, California, went 15r00O pieces of McCormick treated pilings and about 1,500,000 feet of McCormick creosoted dimension lumber.
Three big factors swung the deal to Mc€ormick lumber-the hrgh quality of McCormick timbers, felled in the 6nest stands of the Northwest; the valuable experience of McCormick gained from their study of California needs and requirements through 25 years of lumber service; lastly, Mc-. Cormick straight-line service.
Our own great timber stands, logging camps, and railroads, four big mills, treating plants, feet of coastal vessels and big distributing yards at Wilmington form an unusual chain of speedy and de. pendable service.
This complete Mdormick service means that you gain direct acce$s to the sources of supply, that our facilities are ample to furnish you with straight and mixed car loadings for yard trade and industrial orders in special sizes and lengths promptly.
McCormick lumber is always dependable, dght in price, true to grade. Get our quotations on straight and mixed cars. Ask our repres€ntative or our nearest sales office.