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Random Editorial Ramblings
(Continued from Page 14) the background himself. He failed. The creditors sent a of the Mayor of New York said to the Queen of Belgium' man to sell him out. The man lighted the place up, opened we would say: "Mr. Babson, you've spoke a mouth full." up the stocks, tagged everything plainly, and advertised a * * t' big sale. He fixed the prices so that there was a good mar- At the recent annual convention in Washington of gin of profit left over cost, and the public ate the stock up. Amedcan Trade Association Executives, there was anThey made a fine profit on the bankrupt sale. The man nounced the establishment of the .,American Trade Assocould have been doing the same thing all the time, and mak- ciation Executive Award," the anonymous founder of ing money. He had a" *: OI"O; to find out honrr to do it. which recognizes ,,the great economic force of the trade association in industrial and commercial life and believes
Here's a hot one ! I got it from a lumber buyer who know.s that the award will focus public attention on the work of good human stuff when he strikes it. He called on a small trade associations, stimulate co-operation, and inspire highmill operator in the South, whose entire mill and business er standards of purpose." The convention reported the conB'#":'H:'ollll"3-":i"1",::J:ff;'""$#li).
:il]",'i:3;uri'"ll' ;liff X*,-T::':T: l:ffi;*;
fice window, and asked what he was doing. "Putting up developing because they are useful and practical, and they screens," said the bookkeeper. "Tell him to get out of there," will continue to grow as long as they deserve those terms. said the mill man. "We don't need no screens-flies won't light on you if you keep
That's one for the book'
The attack of the Federal rrade commission against
Roger Babson is getting down to fundamentals. The some fifty western manufacturers of western White Pine, following is from one of his recent reports, answering " California White Pinp, etc., has naturally created nothing question as to what he thought about the reported promis- less than a furore in California. It is well known to be cuous drinking of the young people of today, ;'Yo,lrrg people something of a family row between Sugar Pine and Calihave social instincts which if they do not control and prop- fornia White Pine manufacturers; the same iow that split erly direct will lead them into dangerous groups, ""pu"i.lty up the once harmonious California White and Sugar Pine if they have money to spend. On the other hand, that many Association. So its progress will be watched with huge children of the well-to-do seem to be going to the bad, is interest' not so unusual. This group always has acted foolishly as
* 'k money is a great handicap in the development of character. One sidelight of this complaint is interesting, and may Although this group gets 95 per cent of the newspaper make some fun. The complaint, in Paragraph 8, says the space, it represents only 5 per cent of the young people. We defendants were reluctant to call their wood "western yelforget that only 5 per cent of the families of this country low pine," for fear of confusing it with "the relatively inha're incomes sufficient to pay income taxes or employ ferior forest products made from Pinus palustris or the Long maids, and hence have not *1"1 left for wild parties." Leaf Yellow Pine of the Southern States." Long Leaf Yellow Pine is probably the most valuable of American soft-
Mr. Babson continues: "Sunday Schools, Y.M.C.A.'s, wood stumpa.ge. It ranges in price fro n $10 to $18 a thouY.W.C.A.'s, Scout work, etc., are very prosperous today. sand, standing timber. And its producers probably make a The great mass of American young people are more serious larger margin of profit than any other makers of softwoods. today than ever. Only the children of the well-to-do are fo be "confused" with Long Leaf Yellow Pine would be a acting foolishly. Ilence, if you are in this group, quit the blessing to almost any wood, financially speaking. And it group and get into a sensible group-the group in which will sure make the Long Leaf manufacturers mad when they the future leaders of America are being trained." As the wife read that complaint.
112 Market St. San Francicco . Tclcphone Sutter 7099
Agenk: A. F. Cmtr Lumber Co. Tiluok, Orege.