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The ribbon g roin fhot is on
^^ata 4o%toving!
Philippine Laminex doors prornise n be the year's sensatian....you can stnck frorn 2J d,esigns nou)
HE beauty that buildere aseociate with
! mahogany alone-you can offer now in ex. csedingly,low-priced doore. The eame graceful elendei iibbo.ri of grain. In a wood thit takee the eame rich finieh. And oJso a luetroue wal. nut finieh that moet mahogany won't take.
Doors of thie beautiful lropical hardwood are the eensation of the countiy. fn the Eaet, in the Middle Wee! and on the Pacific Coaet especially-where very few doore of ariy other hardwood now are being used!
Philippine Laminex cbmee from the Philippinee. Comes in duty-free. It is eelected by our own buyere in the fslands, imported in great quantities. Becauee of thoee advantages,- and because we are the Iargest manufactirrere of doors in the world, we can produce Philippine Laminex at extremely low coet.
Theee doore have .il thu etructural qualitiee that have made the name "Laminex" ?amoue. That have enabled millwork and lumber deal. ers to sell over three million Laminex doore !
You'Il want to get in on the ground floor with theee remarkable new dooie. You can aelect your gtock from 23 deeigrrs today. Send the coupon below for the deaier propbeition.
Will rct shrink, swell, or utarp
Can compete better because they can guarantee Laminer
*w.e can guarantce our Laniinex doors without the slightest wony, can comDete
Lette-r with -other ilealers,' claime Hirry Ginsb,erg, of D. Ginsberi $ Sot r, _Io"., Long Ielanil. Th"y ilo a big doo,r business; in one warehouee alone they-carry over J0,000 doori. _, Nationally advertised, I.aminex doore aie known by €veryone ag -the- tro-ub_le?roof doorg." They eell faster. attract new trade. Thou. eands of dealers have proved that! It'e wortb proving for youreelf.
The Vheeler, Osgood Compann
Dept. K-7% Tacomi, Vaehinlton.'
Please erplnin your proposition on Philippine Lami. nea ooors-tn a nufiyt