1 minute read
He Didn't Believe in Trade Journal Advertising
By Jack Dionne
The other day I called on a man who sells things to the lumber trade, and suggested that he advertise in this journal; told him what, why, how much, as I understood the thing.
No, he said, he wasn't interesteil. The fact was, he said, HE DIDN'T BELIEVE IN TRADE JOURNAL ADVERTISING.
He set that up as an irresistible obstacle to any further discussion. He felt that he had accomplished the s:rme purpose as the prospective juror in the murder case who had declared to the judge that he has conscientious scruples against capital punishment. He knew I couldn't sell him something he didn't believe in.
Now, what do YOU, Mr. Lumber Man, or Mrs. Lumber Woman, who are reading these words, think of the mentality of this man who "doesn't believe in trade journal advertising?" fs there any doubt in YOUR mind as to the usefulness of this medium for carrying a story to YOU? T. wish you could express yourself on this subject to this non-believer.
Study the situation. Every copy of this journal is bought, and the average copy is read through and through, every page and every article, by not one but SEVERAL persons. Isnit that true in YOUR place of business?
More than half of all the papers we print find their way to A LUMBER HOME for careful reading. fsn't that true of YOUR copy? That can be said of very few business papers on earth.
Then, the paper is easily read, is edited to give you the boiled-down facts in the readable way you want them. No copy ever goes unopened. The ads are sandwiched through the reading matter. (We consider this utterly essential for our advertisers.) They are SEEN. There is no doubt on earth about that. And if there is anything in them worth reading, we will swear that they are read. You can go through the entire paper in two hours, ads and all. There isn't a dead page or department in any issue. We use as little close set type, and as few long articles, as possible.
To say that.such advertising isn't productive, strikes only at the foundations of advertising, for surely this is an ideal medium for those who would sell our readers.
What do you think about it, Mr. and Mrs. Reader?