2 minute read
Freight Service Expansion
Inauguration of a weekly freight service in and out of the Columbia River is announced by Sudden & Christenson, well-known lumber and shipping firm of San Francisco. The steamer Edna Christenson sailed on her first voyage in the new service on June 19.
Service will later be extended to Puget Sound and other ports, and it is ultimately intended to give complete service between all Northwest polts and San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego.
George Cornitius Discusses -Japanese Oak Situation
"Our business is very satisfactory, particularly in Japanese Oak.
"The Japanese Oak market is very firm, and -every indication poitit. to higher prices for this wood," said George C. Cornitius of the ri'ell-linown hardwood importing firm of George C. Cornitius Hardwood Co., fnc', of San Francisco, recently to a representative of this paper.
"Demand foi this wood this year has far exceeded the supply, and stock is extremely hard to get due to heavy demands from Europe where Japanese Oak is very popular.
"Japanese Oak is universally used by cabinet makers and many manufacturers of trim in this country.
"sidney T. Cobbett, of London, England, a director of one of our Japan connections, recently spent two- -weeks with us here,-and in discussing this situation told of a shipper that has just sold one order of over four million feel-of Japanese Oak logs to a European buyer, -s9 9ut predictioni of higher priJes are based on first hand information," Mr. Cornitius said.
On tire Philippine hardwood situation Mr. Cornitius had nothing to sa1-remarking that the dealers are all pretty well p6sted regarding conditions in this market.
Garnet Fraser Enters New Field
Garnet 'W. Fraser, San Francisco, resigned his position as representative for the Chicago & Alton Railway -Co' on June 1. He is now connected with the Detroit Graphit-e Co." "i California as vice president and will make his headquarters in the Russ Building; San Francisco'
The Detroit Graphite Co. of California are manufacturers of paints catering exclusively to the industrial trade' Thev make paints -ot att colors and for all purPoses' Mr.'Fraser is'well known to the lumber trade of the Pacific Coast. He is a member of Hoo Hoo and has always been an activer worker for the Order in the Bay District'
Taylor Sublett Visits Old Home
J Tavlor Sublett. salesman for the Strable Hardwood Com,lo^nyi Oakland, left on June 8, accompanied by his wife for V a m'onth's visit to his old home in Oklahoma City.
Some of his friends ptayed quite a joke when they-threw some rice over Tayloi and tris wife just as the train was about to mone ofi, and although they have been married for several years no amount of explanation could convince others on the train (most of whorn were Shriners) that they were anything but newlYweds.

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