1 minute read
Pointinq hut the Fire flayards
Fundamentally Lumber Mutual Insurance was designed and created to reimburse the policy-holder in the lumber field for any loss suffered. If was felt in the beginning and has been demonstrated by experience that men who have grown up in the lumber business could develop a more adequate insurance protection and provide it at lower cost, than men who did not have this intimate first-hand knowledge of the peculiar needs and special requirements of the lumber industry.
Growing out of that mutual interest, a still more valuable service was quickly developed in studying fires and fire causes and pointing out fire hazards, with specific recommendations for their elimination and the prevention of fire. Prevention of fire keeps the policyholder in business, reduces payments for loss, increases savings which make bigger dividends, and reduces insurance rates. And, all the time, your Lumber Mutual Policies give you full and prompt protection against any loss.
Any of our Companies wiII give you full inf ormation as to how much MUTUAI. meons in our policies, in protection, in payment of claims, in fire prevention, in ilividends and in insurance cost.