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McCormick Steamer Renamed "Peter Flelms"
Not many boys have the good fortune to have an ocean-g'oing vessel named after them, and eight-year-old Peter Helms, son of Charles E. llelms, treasurer of the McCormick Steamship Company, and vice-president of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Company, considers himself very lucky indeed to have his name on the bows and stern of this steamer, formerly the HutchinSon, and now renamed the Peter Helms.
The renaming'ceremony took place at Pier 4Q the McCormick Line's San Francisco terminal, in the presence of officials of the company and the ship's crew. Peter unfurled the Stars and Stripes, and Miss Elna Olsen performed the christening with a bottle of water.
The Point Judith, another recently acquired steamer, will shortly be renamed after the young son of Charles L. Wheeler, vice-president and general manag'er of the McCormick Steamship Company.
Lewis Godard Returns From North
Lewis A. Godard, traveling representative for Northern California for Reynier Lumber Co. and Hobbs Wall & Co., returned to San Francisco June 23, from a two lveeks' business and pleasure trip to the Pacific Northwest.
Hardwood Importer Visits Northwest
John G. Ziel, member of the firm of Barg Lumber & Shipping Co., San Francisco, left on June 19 for a two weeks' trip to the Pacific Northwest. He expects to visit Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Victoria and Vancouver.