2 minute read
Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club Preach Cooperation
By I. E. Brink The Diamond Match Company, Chico President, Sacrarrrento Valley Lumber:rrents Club
I. E. Brinh
Perhaps no other lumbermen's club in California has done more to-bring before the retailers the Golden Rule in B'usiness than the Sacramento Valley organization. This club was founded over trventy years ago' The purpose was partially social, afiording the dealers an opportunity to get bettir acquainted, and partly business, being the means of bringing the dealers together once a month so.they- migh.t disciss their mutual problems. From its inception the club has not permitted in its meetings a discussion of retail prices or Lgreements pertaining to the sale of lumber and Luilding miterials. Thereby it has kept itself free from suspicion and unfavorable publicity.
The club members are interested in Standardization of Grades. Grade Marking, Trade Marking, Transit Cars' Trade Ethics and kindred subjects. These subjects and many others which are pertinent to the interest of every dealer are given consideration. Likewise the members are interested in knowing comparative costs of handling mater' ials, delivering and otherwise servicing the public.
During the past year the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Cfub adopted eight principles which might be termed a Code of Ethics. These articles were presented to the California State Retailers' Convention assembled in San Francisco last November, and same were unanimously adopted as part of the. State's Code of Ethics. The eight principles are as follows:
1. It is unethical for mills and wholesalers to sell lumber, ordinary or treated, direct to contractors.
2. It is unethical for a retailer to ship lumber into a town rvhere another dealer is located, even though the material is to be used by a contractor who regularly trades with the dealer making the shipment.
3. It is unethical for a wholesaler or mill to accept orders from retailers for shipment into a town where that dealer has no yard and where another dealer has an investment in lumber sheds and a stock of building materials.
4. Orders for materials from indrrstrial plants and fruit shippers, for use in construction, maintenance, bracing and shipping materials, etc., should properly' be placed through retailers. Lumber used by industrial plants for remanufacture and resale might properly be placed with either wholesaler or retailer.
5. Orders from the State, counties, municipalities, irrigation districts, light and power concerns, properly belong to the local dealers in the district where the material is to be shipped.
6. Orders for materials from the U. S. government, and transcontinental railroads are open to both wholesalers and retailers. Orders from interurban and local steam and eiectric railroads properly belong to the retailers in the district where the material is to be used.
7. Discourage the establishment of new yards in towns and territories already served by existing yards. Advocate and recommend to anyone desiring to enter the lumber business, the purchase of existing yards rather than establishing new yards.
8. It is unethical for wholesalers or manufacturers to extend credit and carry retailers that are inadequately financed to properly conduct their business.
A high regard for the rights of others and a firm belief in fair play have kept most of the dealers in Sacramento Valley on a friendly basis. It is only where jealousy, stubbornness, greed and hatred creep in that strife results.
The club members as a lvhole have one mutual problem this year, and that is "Lack of Volume." The late frosts cleaned thousands of acres of peaches, almonds and apricots and kindred fruits. This has not only affected the sale of lumber and building materials for homes, but has practically cut off the sales of box shook, trays, tree props, etc., and will also create a lot of bad accounts for the retailer. It's a case of the dealer minimizing his losses for l9D and preparing for a good year in 1930 which by all ways of figuring he is entitled to.