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"Westfir" Wood Flag Poles Popular Line
I-ive lumber dealers throughout California are finding it profitable to handle "Westfir" Flag Poles, distributed exclusively in this territory by the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. Many repeat orders for flag poles have been received from dealers who are already handling this commodity, according to J. Walter Kelly, sales manager of the company.
"Westfir" Wood Flag Poles are manufactured by the Portland Spar Co., Portland, Ore., and are regularly furnished complete with gold leafed ball, lignum-vitae truck, cotton braided halyard, flag snaps and cleat.
The Westfir complete unit 20 ft. Flag Pole is a popular line. This includes 4 by 6 best bunting flag, finished pole, art stone base, gold leafed ball, lignum-vitae truck, halyard, flag snaps and cleat.
Folder giving all particulars regarding sizes, fittings and prices may be had on application to the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., 215 Market St., San Francisco, or Lane Mortgage Bldg., f,os Angeles.
The following rules for flag display will enable dealers to answer questions on the subject:
Flag Display
The Flag should not be hoisted before sunrise nor allowed to remain up after sunset. It should not be displayed on stormy days unless obligatory.
When the Flag is flown at half staff as a sign of mourning, it should be hoisted to full staff at the conilusion of the funeral.
In placing the Flag at half staff, it should first be hoisted to the top of the staff and then lowered one breadth of the Flag. Preliminary to lowering from half stafi, it should first be raised to the top.
On Memorial Day, May 30, the Flag should fly at half staff from sunrise to noon and full stafi from noon to sunset.
Where several F'lags are displayed on poles with the National Flag, the Stars and Stripes should be hoisted first and on the tallest and most conspicuous staff. Where two Flags are displayed, one our National Flag, it should be placed on the right. (To ascertain the right of a building, face in the same direction as the building.) No Flag shouif ever be flown from the same halyard as t6e Nationaf Flag.
-Whe-n, in- parade, tl.e National Flag is carried with any other flag, it should have the place of honor, at the righi. If a number of flags are carried, the Nationat Flag should either precede the others or be carried in the center, above the others, on a higher staff.
When the National Colors are passing in parade or in review, the spectator should, if walking, halt; and if sitting, arise and stand "at attention" and uncover.
When Flags are used in unveiling a monument, tablet or statue, they should not fall to the ground but be carried aloft, forming a distinctive feature of the ceremony.
When the National Flag is used as a banner the union should be at the left (as you face the Flag.) When used as an altar covering, the union is at the right (as you face the altar)_and_nothing should ever be placed upon the Flag except the Holy Bible.
"r pledge uu.gi.r,.3l3l f,l."t"i"?"Ji the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands: One nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.',
H. S. Morton, of Hill & Morton, Inc., Oakland, returned home June 17 from a two weeks' business trip to the Northwest, where he called on the firm's sawmill connections in company with T. L. Driscoll, manager of their Portland office.