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"Mr. Pip" Criticizes
Mr. Jack Dionne, Los Angeles, Calif.
Dear Sir & Gentlemen:
A drummer what was trying to sell me sum lumber left one of your papers in my lbr yd (I dont take it miself as I dont see no use spending money on these lbr journals) and I seen in it on page sixty 8 where you want to know what lbr yds are doin to get peepel to build. Its jest this kind of foolishness why I dont wast money on lbr papars. If you ever run a lbr yd yourself you would know good and well there aint no way you can get a man to build a house unless he wants to build it. I clame to no as much about runnin a lbr yd as anyBody & I dont neid no Paper to tell me how, and I know eny Practicle lubrMan knows that I aint goin.to sell no lbr in the summer but that in the fall i willl sell sorne maybe, as it has always been thataway and there cant no lbr paper red blue or eny other color change it%. there is jest so much lbr business goin to be and it gets less all the time everythings so highS If a nians famely gets to big for his house he aims to build to it but he aint unless it does is he: and a lbr yd man can't be arunnin round telling his neabohrs and freinds to raise biger famelies so they'll need lbr can he$ AND you cant go burn down a mans house or barn so as to get to sell him another can you; Chances are theyd catch you and then I reckon the lbr papers would have piecess telling how progreseve lbr men can best get out of jaile and arrtecles on MoDerN methods of breaking ROCK Anyways a man wants lbr he hnows where my lbr yd is at and Im usually there so whEn they drive up anholler that they wantt some lbr I get up and openn the gate for them and cloce it after they have went. You don't know whata lbrMann has to contendd with peuople asts you to figure bills for them and halve thhe time they aint made Up tHere minds to builds, and when they do come after lbr a lot of them expects you to help load there wagons even in summerr hot as it is. I have saw you at Assn Meetgs. I dont belong to no Assn dont BElieve in Assns they dont do no good but f sometimes go to the mestgs if they aint to farr offf as the drummers showe meea gooD time, ind have wanted to tell you what floosigness you rite and a feller sold me this typewrieter the other day so ain droppoing you these lines to tell you you aint no practical lbrman I have been running a lbr yd for myself 16 years come Sept and aught to know someThing about it, and i dont fool with tryal balances and invantories I kno who owes me and them that f owes draws on me for it and if I got the monie I pay it and sometiMes I get the bancs to hold these draftts until i can find someone who wants to buy a bill for cash somewhere which I can sell cheap to get the cash. Talkeing about Banks we shure need another Bnk here as the 2 hear are to tighet for anything They wont lend me any monav and haveant for 1o years and when I overdraw they ask me to move my acct but there aint but too banks here so I cant and have to pay it when I sell a caSh bill, and of course antho i know IVe made money, having been in business 16 Years and knowing it and bein a practcle lbrman but account living being so high I dont have much reale mony.
So now you lrnow how this folishness of yours semms to a real lbrman of practle eksperience running a lbr yd as it makes a man mad for a little ole paper telling him how to run a bus. he has run for 16 yrs.
Y ours trluly
Old Hickory Lbr co
Fuller Bile, Mgr & Owner.