1 minute read
Eastern t,
about two hundred feet of fence. What color d'yu think would look good with that yeilow house with white trim, and how much will it take" ?
The salesman figures it up, suggests the color and sells the goods. The wrapper boy would have saved himself all this trouble and had time for another cigarette out in front.
"Got enough now for your outbuildings"? asks tte salesman, "or haven't you any" ?
"IJm, yes I have a detached summer kitchen and woodshed", says the customer, "but I wasn't calculating on spending any money on that".
"Looks pretty good as she is, eh"? remarks the salesman.
"No, don't look any too good, but er-say, I guess what you said about that shabby fence and the old picture frames goes for that shack, too. It's one story, tin roof, about 12x16. Might as well do this job right. Gimme enough more yellow and lvhite paint for the walls and some red for the roof".
The salesman adds the cans to the pile. He has sold the man thirty per cent more goods than he expected to buy. A wrapper boy would have spent the time joshing the bookkeeper girl so that she couldn't work either.
There's many a wrapper boy posing as a salesman and drawing a salesman'r p"y in half the paint stores of the country. They are an expensive luxury for the boss to maintain.
F. Dean Prescott