6 minute read
The San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club
By F. Dean Prescott Valley Lumber Co., Fresno President, San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club
The San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club lvas organized in lune, t8b6, in Freino, California, with- a- purpose of making-it possible for the retail lumbermen of the San Joaquin Vall6y to become acquainted and with the idea of promoting -the welfare of the retail lumber -industry. .As tat "t *i .utt determine, this is the oldest Lumber Club in the United States.
It is the custom of our Club to meet five or six times a year on Saturday at lunch. Following the luncheon, a general discussion of matters pertaining to 'the interest 6f ttt. lumbermen takes place. Usually we have as a guest of our Club, sorne noted speaker who is thoroughly familiar with lumber in its production and distribution' Some months aEo we had an interesting lecture by Dr. E' R'-Snyder of thJBureau of Entomology of Washington, I)' C', on the subject of "Termites." Oui Club has been active in co-operating with the Forestry Department in its Conservition aid Fite Preventive measures. It is customary for our Club to hold discussion on subjects of mutual interest, such as the working, sizing.and grading of lumber and methods of economy in handling lumber'
The members .of our Club are strong supporters of the Standard of Trade Ethics as adopted by the California Rei"it iut"f"tmen's Association. Our Club listened with much interest to an address by President Harry A' Lake of the State Association, at a meeting held in Fresno on January iqlh, *itlt a large attendancJ present. The members of ont 'Clob have bien strong supporters of the State Association and its members hive eipressed their appreciation of tn. very wonderful results which have been obtained through tht efiorts and energy- o-f President H' A' Lake'
Ouii"g the last year we hJld five meetings. trvo of wl1i9-h *"t. p-ti".ipally iocial functions. On April l4th, 1928' ""i Ctful was tire guest of the Yosemite Portland Cement -or"p""y at MercEd, the -members of the Club and their biing the guests of the Companv for a. delightful luncheon .I one o'clock, a trip through the plant in the "lili""o" and a wonderful barbecue ierved to us in the follorved by a delightful evening of dancing at the i,r.o-"t3. beautiful club it Merced' This rdas a day never to be forgotten by those who attended' The mem- bers, guests and wives numbered nearly two hundred and fifty.
Un October 13th, 1928, following the regular noon-day luncheon and business session, the evening was devoted to a dinner dance, our Club acting as host to Hoo-Hoo Club No. 3l of Fresno. This event was most successful, having an attendance of more than one hundred and fifty.
Our Club has felt that the best interest of the lumbermen can be served by getting acquainted thr'ough social contact and that it is always easier to approach the problems of mutual business inteiest when the parties concerned have become acquainted socially.
We have in previous years, had many delightful junketing trips. One meeting was held at the Grant National Park, al which Parson Simpkin, standing at the foot of the giant redwood, General Grant, delivered the speech which has come down in history to make him famous.
Another junketing trip of the Club was held at the beautiful Huntington Lake Lodge on the shores of Huntington Lake Lodge 'on the shores of Huntington I-ake. At this meeting we were entertained by the Southern Californi,a Edison Company and given a trip to Florence Lake, where we had a delightful picnic lunch.
On March 22nd and 23rd, 1929, our Club held a joint meeting with the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club and thJ Central California Lumbermen's Club at Stockton' The program consisted of discussion of businlss problems throughout. The Directors of the Californi'a Retail LumbermJn's Association and the Directors of 'the California Millwork Institute were guests at the joint dinner served by the three Clubs at the H:otel Stockton, on Friday evening, March 22nd.
At any of our Club meetings, visiting lumbermen are more than welcome, a standing invitation being on our records to those of the lumber industry to visit us at our meetings.
The pnospects are better in the San Joaquin Valley-than they have been for several years. Our Club is planning a iun-keting trip late in September' the place of meeting and ihe ptogi"* being in the hands of the program committee.
Botanical Nomenclature as Applied to Maho$any
(Continued from Page 86) few passing remarks may help avoid confusion in the apolica'tion of-the botanical nomenclature to trade names' As is well knorvn, the views held by those who support the botanical basis, possibly with certain convelient reservations, is that, beiause the genus Khaya is within the same famify of trees as Swietenia, the woods of the species of both groups should be classified as genttine mahogany; if this .ivere done, it would not only completely abrogate the fundamental principles of the botanical basis of nomenclature, but it rvould also nullify Stipulation No' 324. The moment it is permitted that woods of genera other than, Swietenia, regirdless as to their place in the sequence of genar within the family or subfamily, be called mahogany, ihe terms of the Stipulation No. 324 become untenable.
Holmes Eureka Urges Dealers Sell Grade Marked Lumber
"The biggest percentage of our California and Eastern customers insist that nearly all the Redwood we ship be grade and trade-marked. We have for some years made a specialty of grade marking for those who want it. If we have not already done so, we u'ould like to start to set you up on this new merchandising basis," says a recent sales letter of the Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co.,-San Francisco, addressed to the trade.
In this letter dealers are urged to advertise the fact that they handle grade and trade-marked lumber, and thus take advantage of the advertising campaign of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association. Dealers are also offered free of charge a supply of the HE grade mark booklets, 10,000 of which have already been sent out with the dealer's name on them.

Along with this letter is an invitation signed by T. W. Hine and Walter H. Dalton of the Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co., Eureka, to take a trip into the Redwood country, and visit their mill and logging operations this summer. Golfers will appreciate this part of the invitation, "Bring your golf bags along. A nice sporty all green course is almost a part of the mill."
W. W. Wilson, R. O. Wilson Lumber Co., San Francisco, is in the Northwest on a three weeks' automqbile trip, during which he hopes to get about a week's good fishing at various points. He will visit Bandon and Portland, Ore., Hoquiam, Wash., and Vancouver, B. C., and expects to return July 15, calling at Bend and Klamath Falls on the way.
Lumber Load Covers Multitude of Alcohol Cans
The other day a big truckload of two by fours passed through the city of San Luis Obispq in California. There was no sign to show what lumber company was shipping it.
The Sheriff is a ne\rr man, and has a nimble nose for law violators. He got suspicio,us of the looks of that truck, and stuck a stick into a crack in the lumber. It clicked.
He pulled off the top of the load and found cans containing 750 gallons of alcohol.
Fruit Growers' Operating Board Visits Mills
The operating board of the Lumber Division of the Fruit Growers' Supply Co. left San Francisco, June 22, on their annual inspection tour of the company's sawmills and logging operations. The party made the trip this year in a Gray Line bus, going first to Susanville and then to Hilt. The party included the following: W. K. Beattie, H. B. McClure, H. A. Lynn, D. Arbuthnot, D. C. Crookshank, M. H. Butcher, E. A. Beck, R. L. Willits, F. B. Hutchens, general manager, Lumber Division; D. S. Painter, assistant to the general manager, and George B. Cone, sales manager.
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