1 minute read
Farm Building Conferences
(Continued from Page 94) his endorsement to the Farm Building Conference proposal, will trqff_-equip themselves as "Headquarters Jor the wisely says: ,,After all is said and done, in the two Central Farmer." This involves an earnest effort to learn and underValleys, the main bulk of the lumber buri..., is with the stand his needs, extending him a helping hand in working farmer, and especiauy the smau yard man should be edu- :ij.rXTJfi3lff JhjmnJ'f,'""#ffi"pects this coopcated in order to advise his customers on their require- *Mr. Cook is an active member of American Society of ments," adding, "If we could do anything to get the Branch Agricultu.ral Engineers, PIt_".t to his joining the California Yard Manag.?. to such Confer"tti". a.- you" speak 'of and Redwood Association in 1924 ,to ol3anize an^Agricultural get them to ihink of giving their farm trade guaiity material Departm-ent, making plans and.a Consulting Service availIt would be doing thi wh6le industry a favo-r." able to farmers through_local_lumber deqlers, he_was for Louis ;-. Tabei Master of the Nitional Grange, has re- six years in charge of all building -work for the California cently told us "Tire American farmers pay an ainual lum- State Land Settlement Board, in which polilion.he designber bitl of about a half billion dollars."^We know, on !ov- ed and supervised the construction of over 3000 farm buildernment authority, that 92/o of all farm buildings ari _of ings._ Foiten years he was associated with Houghton Sawwood. There is a lot of farm business for retailers who yer, San Francisco architect.