1 minute read
The California White arrd Sugar Pine Situation!
By B. Scott, Acting Secretary-Manager, California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association
Production in the California and southern Oregon pine regions which, this year has shown as high as a 3O/o increase, is norv down to a 6/o increase over the corresponding period for last year. The majority of the mills are now operating on a 5-day basis ancl which should have a tendency to still further reduction.
Both shipments and orders show a steady increase over last year's corresponding period, rvhile the average stocks on hand are approximately 8/o less at this date.
Generally speaking, prices have been higher and if the present curtailment program is adhered to, there is no reason 'w'hy business during the future months may not be vieu'ed lvith a measure of optimism.
The above onll' applies to the region embraced by the membership of the California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association.
Grading Bureau Notes
On July lst the Joint Grading Rules for the Western Pine Manufacturers Association and the California White and Sugar Pine Nlanufacturers Association will become effective ancl the new Grading Rule Books rvill be ready for distribution.
The netv standardized daily blotter forms, approved by the Economics Committee of the National Lumber Manu- facturers Association at a recent meeting in Chicago, have been received and distribution made. Comments rvould indicate that the use of these forms in obtaining accurate and dependable statistical data will receive the warmest support by the membership of this Association.
The Association rvas represented by counsel at Waco. Texas, in the hearing of f t S Docket 3283; lumber and forest products rates to Texas from North Pacific Coast territory. This hearing extended from May 27th to 3lst, inclusive, and the matter is noll' before the Interstate Commerce Commission for decision.
The Association recently filed a complaint with the Interstate Commerce Commission with resuect to rates on lumber and other forest products from California and southern Oregon to destinations in Central Freight Association territory (Chicago and East). This complaint is entitled ICC Docket 2M7. and has been assigned for hearing by the Commission on -Iuly 8th at Seattle, Washington, jointly rvith similar complaint of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association and Western Pine Manufacturers Association, ICC Docket 21999; also rvith complaint of the California Redrvood Association, ICC Docket 22314. These complaints rvill be assigned for further hearing at Chicago on a date to be set by the presiding Examiner at Seattle, Washington.