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Hoo Hoo in Colifornia
By R. F. Hammatt State Counselot for California.
California, according to records of the Home Office at St. Louis, ranks first of all States in the Union on the basis of paid-up membership. We have to our credit a total of 1550 members in good standing, including the new members and the reinstatements taken in up to May 31 of this year. under the inspiration of Supreme Custocatian Chas. G. Bird, and with the active assistance and cooperation of the Vicegerent Snarks, 11 Concatenations had been held prior to May 31 : one at Chico, three at Los Angeles, two at San Bernardino, two at San Diego, one in Calaveras county, one at Hilt and one in San Francisco. At these Concatenatians D candidates were initiated in the mysteries and the good-fellowship of Hoo-Hoo, and there were reinstated in good standing 14 old members.
One more Concat-at Westwood-has just initiated 3O more "Kittens", bringing California's membership up to 158O, and apparently puts the western jurisdiction on a par with that in'charge of Snark Riner in the matter of initiations.
According to the records of Secretary-Treasurer Henry R. Isherwood, California now boasts 12 live Hoo-Hoo Clubs, as follows: Los Angeles Club No. 2, under the lead-
E. T. Robie, Auburn Lumber Co., Auburn, vice-president of the Northern District, California Retail Lumbermen's Association, was in San Francisco June 19, on a business trip.
ership of Harry V. Hanson of the California Panel and Vene?r Company; San Diego Club No. 3, piloted by Fred M. White of-the Benson Lumber Company; San Francisco Club No. 9, lead by Fred Roth of the McCallum Lumber Company; Fresno Club No. 31, with Wtn. F. Baird in the chair ; Susanville Club No. 37, wit1n J. P. Clark of the Fruit Growers' Supply Company in charge; Westwood Club No. 38, of which-ehester E. Priest is the guiding star; Oakland Club No. 39, led by our genial friend, H. S. Morton; Arlington Club No. 44, with its destinies in the hands of Bgy Saidefur of the Dill Lumber Company; McCloud Club No. 55, in charge of C. B. Daveney of the McCloud River Lumber Compiny; Menlo Park Club No. 58, piloted by J.- 9. Ellis of Bltis grothers Lumber Company; Stockton Club No. 62, with Arthur Hauerbach of the San Joaquin Lumber Company as president, and Hilt Club No. 6!, led by Mr. W. J. McAvol' of the Fruit Growers' Supply C9m91y. Califoinia has ieason to be proud of her record in HooHoo, and doubly proud in that she is represented _upon-the Supreme Nine by-so conscientious and so able a Hoo-Hoo "r Ch".. G. Bird (Supreme Custocatian 14878) manager of the Stockton Lumber Company, Stockton, Calif.
Mckenna Mill Starts
McKenna Lumber Co., Marshfield, started up June 10, cutting spruce exclusively. The steamer Daisy Fr-eeman has bein put back on the run to Marshfield, and will carry mainly the cut of this mill.