1 minute read
Sales Promotion Within The Local Group
(Continued from Page 99)
We intend to hook up with the modernizing campaign and carry ,on quite a little promotional work along this line. Just as a starter we are offering through the Bureau for free distribution that beautiful little booklet "Modern Home Interiors" published by the National Lumber Manufacturers Association. We believe that the suggestions for attractive architectural treatments of mod,ern home interiors will show home owners the possibilities of their present homes and convince them that their realization is no mo,re difficult than that of inconvenient, poorly arranged unsightly equipment for the same purpose.
Eighth: To educate the property owner in the ,importance of "Maintenance of investment." To. repair when necessary and to preserve by proper painting at regular intervals. Bringing home the fact that more property is destroyed through lack of paint than by fire, and so improve the general appearance of the community.
We consider this a very vital object and one which we are going to stress as strongly as possible. We know that when our cities present a clean, well-cared-for appearance and where .residences and business buildings are kept re- paired and painted regularly, that we have an attractive iommunity;-one which invites new comers to buy and build there. In many of our rural communities altogether too little attention is paid to the upkeep of the home or business building. Much can be done to correct this condition by working with the local Chamber of Commerce, Improvement Club-, or Women's Club. Two of our cities are actively engaged now in a clean-up and paint-up campaign.
Ninth: To cooperate with every educational and business body in the upbuilding of Imperial Valley.
Our lumber and buildine material merchants feel that they are a very large factoiin the building industry -in this Vailey and thit thiy should interest themselves either individually or through their association in every project that has to do with the upbuilding of the community. It is only bv working with ofhers or winning others to work with us that wJachieve worth-while results.
To cooperate in this sort of a sales promotiqra-l-cg paisn is [o i.oin forces and something more. IT IS TO io[N HEARTS AS WELL AS HANDS, AND SLIP A Lnrrp sout. INTo rHE BAR.cAIN !