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Californ ia Production Figures
California made less Redwood lumber last year than the year before, but made more White and Sugar Pine than during the previous year. The production of the Fir and other woods mixed with both the Pine and Redwood, however, was greater than during the previous year, the result being that the total production of lumber in California in 1928 was 132,99O,W less than in 1977.
Here are the figures: Redwood production f.or 1927 was 511,478,000 feet, and lor 1928,45O,979,M feet; White Pine production for 1927 was 78,25O,000 feet, and for I9n it was 799,837,000 feet; Whitewood production in the Redwood district, species not segregated, for 1927 was LD,932,W feet, and lor 192E it was IO4,42Z,W feet ; Sugar Pine production in 1927 .las 264,98.000 feet, and in 1928 it was D5,4m,m feet; White Fir production for 1927 was L79,377,W feet, and in1928 it was 148,67,n0 feet; Douglas Fir production for 1927 was 120,120,000 feet, and in 1928 it was 54,598,000 feet; all others reported in t927 totaled 79,496,000, and in 19?8 they were 27,696,@0feet.
Fire recently totally destroyed the Valley Box Co. plant at Pomona. The fire also cleaned out the south shed of Curran Bros. Inc., whose yard adjoined the Valley Box Co. property.
In the major woods, Redwood was 60,499,000 feet under the previous year (the lowest Redwood production in many years); White Pine was 71,578,W feet OVER (and still much lower than the production of. 1925 and, 1926); Sugar Pine was 30,562,W feet OVER, and the second largest production year this wood has had, the 322,430,0@ foot production of 1926 being the highest
The Klamath Falls district of Oregon produced 410,943,000 feet of White Pine in t926; 371M2,000 feet in 1927; and 516,394,,000 feet in 19?f, thus far eclipsing all the production records of that territory. That district produced 12,739,W feet of Sugar Pine last year, also.
The Redwood figures reported from the entire year 19/c_ were: production, 45O,979,W feet; shipments, 431,677,ffi feet, and orders, 439,393,000.
Redwood shipments into Northern California were 166,580,000 feet for the year 1928; into Southern California, 100,278,00O; into eastern territory, 97,362,W feet; into western territory outside California, 2,6n,M feet; and foreign shipments were 72,553,@0 f.eet.
H. B. Hewes, nationally known lumberman, returned to San Francisco from the East on June 2A, and left thc next day to attend the annual meeting of the Pacific Spruce Corporation, to be held in Portland, Ore., June 24.