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the arposg: paper ))
IfE sieal-reenforced. _f waterproof paper, Sisal. kraft is tle-only p-r.o_duct of this kind that'cin be sold in all the markets open to the lumber deoler. Siealkraft ie sold for every uee anyother buildine pap€i can b6 put ro and in;ddi. rion, it finde a wide market for concrete curing. Aa announced recentlvi The Siealkraft Co. hae ac6ririred the exclugive righte coiering concrete curbg with wateiproof paoen This action orotects the f4,OO-O Siealkraft?ealer:e from unerhical c'om. petition whieh wae eeriouely threatening to deetroy all confidence in this excellent riee for waterploof paper.'The beet evidence of the fairnees of thig con-pany ii flandline thie patent ie the fact that even when pr6tecied by an exi cluaive licenee, the price of Sisalkraft f,ag not beeh raieed a single cent- By having to etock onlv one naoer. the dealer reducee rhe erdck he f,ae to carrv.'coneiqirenilv he has lese inveetment and Ieee overhead. Lowerld g6fli-g coet meane more profiL
This is only one of the benefire the Siealkraft dealer re ceivee; among otherg are a policy ofselling only throush recognized lumber or buildingmiterial dealere, ind a eal"es
IJnder Stuce.o Lining Chicken
Under Floors Ilouges
Under "Finished 66ysr,gng HayCuringandPro- aEac*a tecting Protecting ExConcrete Doe€d
.?Hij.T"I"*- ilIachioery is.sqi.?.s.qg3s.{:.€,{3.Eiqqqqqa3.$taHs.$.EB.H.3.RH.q{i 3t:R\E:.FRs:p :FltirIahRlra trR nnag<53gvr-c
RE!.q3.iaei3.eH.E:.s.-*.{a{qqH.qqq3.[3.qEa\Eas.q$.€.s.Rq FFRRSSSSpoccoo€NN€€nns{rraaoNNdrr .gtg:s -
Covering Pirr- I9raPPing Nuriehed Floors eery Stock promotion plan that helpe move Siealkra-ft out of your yard.
Are you familiar with'Siealkraft'e epecial non-elaetic eigal reenforeement found in no other paper?Write foreampleeto ehow yourtrade:encloae your list of cug. iomera with an opening order so we can start our helpful plan work rng ror yorL
IIoma of Mr. Kenn,eth ILood, Cormel, Colif., designed by Mr. Guy Keof l, architect of Cormcl. Creo-Di2t hand-sflit Pilgrims are uneten on th( xueother side but .srnooth-sawn on the bach and give a rough and rug,ged effect to the roof,
Likes Night Flying
Larue Woodson, Northern California representative of Wheeler Osgoocl Co., Tacoma, and manag'er of Nicolai Door Sales Co., returned June fr lrom a week's business trip to Tacoma. Larue has done lots of day flying in commercial airplanes, but had never experienced the thrill of a night flight until he took the night air mail plane from Portland to Oakland in order to get back on the job by Satur<lay morning. He left Portland at 9 p.m., arrived in Oakland at 2 a.m., and thoroughly enjoyed the fast fivehour trip.