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ereo-Dipt Pilyims

ereo-Dipt Pilyims

Institute of Los Angeles,

President A. W. Bernhauer presided at the meeting and in his opening address said in part:

"Morale is the most important factor in any business organization and this applies to the management as well as to employees. This is our opportunity to develop that fine leadership that will eventually lead the industry out of this present chaos. I firmly believe that our industry has a certain obligation to its employees and that in these times of unemployment every effort should be made to distribute employment on some part-time basis so that it may not become necessary to permanently lay ofi any men.

"Such procedure mav slightly increase the cost of our operations but this is a just burden against any business, the same as taxes, insurance and other items of expense.

"Many conditions afiecting our industry are beyond our control and can only be worked out by economic laws outside of our own organizations, but we do have control over many of our internal problems and if tve rvill devote our time and energy to the proper solution of these probfems we can do much to benefit our present condition. It is possible to operate a business, even in these times, on an ethical basis and to cooperate rvith competitors in trying to solve our mutual problems.

"We are living in the greatest country in the world and we should be duly thankful for the many opportunities that are ours, and with renewed faith we should face the future with optimism and by united action press on torvard that goal of success that we knorv is ours."

Secretary L. C. Sterett read the financial report.

Secretary Sterett discussed the activities of the Institute such as the Certified Architectural Woodrvork program, Frame Details, Trade Extension itr general, Standard Millwork schedules, and the correspondence course being carried on by the Institute in the interest of the member5.

A. C. Horner, San Francisco, \Mestern Manager of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, urged the cooperation of the various branches of the woodworking industry through their trade associations for the purpose of assisting the specifiers of woodwork by furnishing the necessary technical information. He urged the members of the Institute to work with local architects in an effort to get them to specify rvood based on accredited standards for architectural woodwork.

Frank Burnaby, Sun Lumber Co., Beverly Hills, Calif., discussed Trade Promotion.

George Cornwall, The Timberman, Portland, Oregon, talked on lumber and economic conditions in the eighteen countries he traveled through while on his recent trip abroad. Percy Dixon, Los Angeles, a past president of the Institute, and W. L. Leishman, Crorvn City Mfg. Co., Pasadena, also addressed the meeting.

The banque_t_was held in the evening in the main dining room of the Hotel Alexandria. Following the dinner, i two-hour entertainment was furnished by several orofessional entertainers. A. W. Koehl and Mark Lillari. who arranged for- the , excellent entertainment, were given a unanimous vote of thanks. Wesley Shrimp, Cresmir Mfg. Co., Riverside, acted as chairman at the banquet, and Jack Dionne, Publisher of "The California Lumber Merchint.', was toastmaster.

For many years our motto has been ttPromise Less and Do More," and we intend to stick to it permanendy, as we are convinced that in our business of wholesaling and 3obbing lumber performance is what counts.

Our buying facilities through our'northern ofice and the stock on our dock here at the foot of Dennison Street, Oakland, equip us for giving the retailer fast and dependable service. -

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