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For Sale

Planing Mill Machinery for sale. All modern, nem 3 years ago. Los Angeles Planing Mill Co., 1800 Industrial St., Loo Angeles, Calif. Phone VAndike 8,160.

Experienced Lumberman Wants Position

Lumberman with experience as Yard Manager, Sales, Office, and Association Work wants position. Prefer Los Angeles or Southern California. Would appreciate interview. Can furnish best of references. Address Box C-396. care California Lumber Merchant.

Progress of Grade-Marked Lumber in California

(Continued from Page 65.)

been encouraged during the past year by building departments in some of these cities by allowing higher strength values for lumber so marked over lumber not marked or identified in any other manner as to its grade. Further progress along this line of grade marked lumber promotion will depend upon the support given by dealers in each locality.

In summarizing the first year of WCLA grade marked lumber distribution in California, the outstanding result has been the qlimination of grade substitution as a method of competition in work where grade marked lumber has been specified. Building loan companies by enforcing the use of grade marked lumber have also. brought to light many instances where contractors were purchasing lower grades than specified. The result has been that lumber retailers are realizing a larger income from work where substitution of lower grades had been the rule. The increased extent to which these advantages rvill be forthcoming is recognized by many dealers as being directly proportionate to the backing given to grade marked lumber by the retailers themselves. As expressed by some dealers one of the most important steps which they can take to further the program today is to stock grade marked lumber in straight grades and sell and deliver grade marked lumber on all No. 1 Common or No. 2 Common orders rvhether specified grade marked or not. Several retail yards have adopted this policy already. Their grade marked stocks are divided into No. I Common and No. 2 Common with the items in these grades piled as far as possible in separate lengths and under cover.

An era of merchandising lumber on the basis of quality, rvhether that quality be Structural, No. 1, No. 2 or No. 3 Common-merchandising which considers the ultimate use to which the material will be put to or follows the line of promoting specific grades of Douglas fir for specific usesis on the horizon for California retailers. Grade marked No. 1 Common and No. 2 Common will predominate the field of grades for general uses and it is the opinion of dealers who have fostered grade marked lumber that by building their business on the principle of "identified qualitv" as represented by grade marked lumber in these grades and stocking and selling to their trade only lumber of certified grade they will be in step with the trend and reap the benefits which are bound to come.

Are you a retail lumberman who can prove himself an asset to su'ch a business and with a small amount of capital ? If so investigate this. Write fully, Box C-394, care California Lumber Merchant.

Experienced Man Wishes Connection

Salesman, experienced in lumber, hardware, paints, etc. Bookkeeper, estimator, credits, lineyard manager, references, wishes connection. Address Box C-397; California Lumber Merchant.

Schedule Pricing Versus "Ertirating of Our Losr"r"

(Continued from Page 62.)

method in a scientific and practical manner. The Schedules a/e technical, yes. But it must be remembered that the millwork business is a technical .one and any price schedule that takes into consideration the important and necessary factors of manufacturing, must be to an extent,technical.

The Institute recommends that in all coiners of the in. dustry, the Schedules be given attention. There'is'no use dwelling on what the past has been as regards selling prices-that is common knowledge. What we are concerned with is the FUTURE rvelfare of the millwork industrv. We are in an industry in which there are millions of dollars invested, to say nothing about the families that are dependent for their livelihood upon our success. The best talent available has assisted in the development of the Schedules and they are yours to use.

It has been said that in times of stress, all we need to do is to change our method of thinking. Letfs apply some of this principle to the selling price situation. Think Schedules, think profitable selling prices. Use the machinery which has be'en set up for your benefit. In the end, our estimators can glorify in their work as 'lestimators'-of profits."

100 Car Redwood Train Leaves July 1

Announcement by the California Redwood Association recently that a solid 100-car train of Redwood lumber would be started on its journey across the continent on July I was the signal for considerable publicity in newspapers throughout the country

The train will be sent off from Sacramento with suitable ceremonies, with Governor Rolph at the throttle of the engine. This train of 100 cars containing 3,000,00O ft. of the finest quality Redwood will be the largest rail shipment of Redwood in the history of the industry. It representS orders from retail lumber merchants in the Middle West and East, and the shipment has a value of $150,000.

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