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Douglas Fir-A total of 321 mills reporting to the Vest Coast Lumbermen's Association for the week ended June lE operated at 19.8 per cent of capacity, as compared to 21.2 pt cent of capacity for the previous wek and 42.5 per cent for the same week last year. During the week 216 of these plants were reported as down and 105 as operating.
Curent new business of 2L6 identical mills for the woek was 17.9 per cent over production. This group reported production approximately three million feet lese than the previous week. Shipments were 31.8 per cent over production. Unfilled orders decreased gTOOOTOOO feet from the previous week. New export business received was 11563ro00 feet less, new domestic cargo orders were 2'0OOrOOO feet under, and new rail business increased tr26l,rOOO feet as compared to the previous week's business. The local trade showed an increase of 112981000 feet.
Production, orders and shipments of these 226 mills for the week ended June 18 were as follows: Production 50,4r7r235 feet; Shipments 66,4751836 feet; Orders 59,. 455,O71 f.eet.
Details of orders and shipments as repotted by these mills follow: Orders-Rail 2L,126r137 ; Domestic Cargo 19,880,102; Export 1L,172,4I8; Local 712761374. Shipments-Rail Ig rg87 19 14 ; Domestic Cargo 26 r83 5 1268 ; Export 12rt76,280; Local 7,276,374.
The California lumber situation shows no definite change and the volume of business continues atrout the same. It rrleems to be the opinion of both buyers and sellers that prices will not go any lower, and that the price situation should show an improvement soon. Ungold stocks on the public docks at San Pedro for the week ended lune 22
The Southern Pine Association for the week ended June 18 reported new business from 116 mills as 22rOO8r000 feet; shipments 2415O7,000 feet and production 2Or931'OO0 feet. Orders were 17 per cent above production and 1O per cent below shipments. Shipments were 5 Per cent above production.
The Westetn Pine Association for the week repoced new business from 122 mrlls as 3Or915'OOO feet, shipments t4rOO2rOOO feet, and production 34,2t8rOOO feet. Orders were. l0 per cent below production and 9 per cent below shipments. Shipments were 1 per cent below production.
183 hardwood mills give new business for the same week as 1O,832'OO feet, or 23 Per cent above production and shipments 10,825,000 feet, or 23 per cent above produc' tion. Production was 8r77Lr000 feet.