1 minute read
Shevlin Publishes \(/on derful Album Showins Varied Uses of Pine Los Siding
The entire issue of "Shevlin Pine News" for May, 1932, issued by the Shevlin Pine Sales Company, of Minneapolis, Minn., is devoted to advertising and illustrating varied and attractive and really r,vonderful uses to which their Shevlin Pine Log Siding has been used; not just how it CAN be used, but how it IS being used.
A review of this beautiful little issue-which might well be called a vacation special-makes the reader actually lonesome and leaves him longing for the n'oods, and the open lvaters, and the great outdoors, for most of the buildings shown, built of their Log Siding are that sort of buildings in rvonderful vacation places. The entire atmosphere of the book gives you a feeling of wanderlust.
The book shorvs a wide variety of houses, cabins, lodges, duplexes, club houses, cottages, and even garages, town halls, beauty parlors, auto courts, inns, cafes, rvayside stands, boys' .camps, etc., all built from their Log Siding.
Floor plans and other information are shown with most of these pictures, and all information for the prospective builder is easily available.
This is not only one of the most interesting and attrac- tive, but one of the very keenest books for of lvood we have ever seen issued. Ary bo1' 'ivould enjoy perusing it.
A. Dundon, Atlantic Coast I\lanager of the McSteamship Co., Philadelphia, was married to Miss L. Furnanz, of San Francisco, in San Francisco, They left immediately on a honeymoon trip to Coast via the Pacific Northwest and the National helping the sale man, woman, of Gerald Cormick Gertrude June 18. the East Parks.
Homer T. Hayward, of the Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co., Salinas, left June 13 to accdmpany his family on a visit to their summer home at Waltonia, near Estes Park, Colorado. Mr. Hayward expected to be back about July 1.