2 minute read
The Royal Order of Hairy Chested Men
Bv Jack Dionne
Thank God for these valiant men who can put a little fun into, and get a little fun out of, present conditions !
So I declared for the millionth time the other day rvhen I received from my friend, Bill Horsley, of The Izzard, Company, Seattle, Certificate of Membership in his newly created order, "The Royal Order of Hairy Chested Men." I promptly added my signature and hung it on the rvall. I am very proud of it, and got a great gurgle out o{ Bill's letter explaining what it's all about.
It seems that he got into the habit of remarking to his friends vrhen he heard the usual griping about conditions: "These days, tough as they may be, will make hair grow on the chest of them as is worthy of growing the hair. The rest of the boys can go home because the party is over as far as they are concerned."
So he decided to create, for the period of this Depression at least, this "Royal Order of Hairy Chested Men," and sign up for membership a lot of gttys who have been knocked down a thousand times or more in the past three years, but have refused to take the count. Membership is limited to men recommended by present members as that sort of folks.
The Certificate of Membership includes the Oath of Membership, which is: "I hereby agree to go out and sock Old Man Despair square on the button every time I meet him."
Thanks, BilM'm proud to be a member.
Blue 'Bdok Reports Easier Collections
Chicago, June 2S.-Collections were easier in May than in the same month in 1931, it is indicated in the monthly credit analysis prepared by the Lumbermen's Blue Book. Claims placed for collection, however, increased about 10 per cent, with the average claim involving about a 20 per 'cent greater amount. Inquiries for special ,credit reports decreased about 8 per.cent for the month, as compared with a year ago.
Business "vital statistics" for May, 1932, as compared with May, 1931, showed:
1932-39 Bankruptcies ; 22 Receiverships; 9 Assignments; 4 Extensions; 2 Corirposition Settlements ; 7 Creditors Committees Appointe.d.
1931-30 Bankruptcies; 20 Receiverships; 4 Assignments; 5 Extensions; 5 Composition Settlements; 2 Creditors' Committees Appointed.
Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir, the Association grade and trade mark certify to your customers the quality of the stock you handle. Builders quit guessing about what they're buying, and buy where they know what they're getting.
General Saler Office: Eugene, Ore. Mills: Wendling, Ore., Springfield, Ore.
California Representatives
Northern California Hill & Morton, Inc.
Denniron St. Wharf
Southern Califonia
E. J. Stanton & Son
AEo E. 3Eth St., Lor Angclcr
"Red"Wood Scys.'
"Redwood Is Fire Resistant"
It is a proven fact that Redwood is highly fire reaigtut. Many large fires' uong them Su Frarciro's great fire of l0lD6' have been deffnitely checked by this markablc
Redwood'c fire resistuce is due' in part' to its entirc freedom frm pitch, ruin u other inftamblec. This quality i! mtural a.nd Redwood requirer rc artificlal chemical applicationr.
Fire registance is another reaso Redwod is the prefered building material.
We want to send you the details of oughly tested and proved succe Dealers. You will find it a simple, roof coatings that really works! obligation. Just mail the couporl.... matter slips your mind!