3 minute read
Grand---dad's Rcturn
Grand-dad came back to DownievilleHe'd mined here long before, Then drifted round the U. S. A. for fifty years and more; He cast a cursory glance about And every"change decried, Then with a sadly jaundiced eye, He toured the countryside.
At length the poor old chap returned, With acrimonious words : He couldn't see the fresh spring flowers Or hear the singing birds; "I couldnlt find Dad's Gulch", he snapped, "An'sure as I was bo'n. I didn't recognize the place They're callin' No'th San Juan !"
"Where's Whiskey Diggin's ? Tell me that," The irate oldster said; "An' where's the hoof defyin' trail That down Steep Hollow led? There's nary a trace of Dead Horse Flat, Shirt Tail an' Lousy Level; It sure does seem them good old camps Has gone plum to the devil !"
"Oh dad", we said, "Don't feel so blue; There's lots of good towns left; There's Goodyears Bar and Camptonville, Town Talk and old You Bet. Of course some camps has petered out, But some is good leads still; Why don't you take another trip To Pike or Forest Hill."
"That's so," said dad, "some camps is left, For instance, Lava Cap. But Jackass Gulch has gone to pot, And Mad Mule's off the map. I guess I'd better stick around, And swallow my regret, Some fine old camps has petered out, But there is good leads yet."
And now grand-dad is quite Good natured, mild and meek; He's panning out four bits a Down thar on Fiddle Creek. -A. Merriam
Douglas Fir - Sitka Spruce
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SELLING DEALER TRADE EXCLUSIVELY NTCOLAI DOON SALES GO. ofice and varehoure vroior. illi content, d"y Conner.
A. B. Johnson Lumber Co., Fife Building, San Francisco. and the McCormick Supply Co., 461 Market Street, San Francisco, have become members of the California Wholesale Lumber Association.
The Superman
What is the ape to man? A laughing-stock' a thing of shame. And just the same shall man be to the Superman: a laughing-stock, a thing of shame.
Ye have made your way from the worm to man, and much within you is still worm. Once ye were apes, and even yet man is more of an ape than any of the apes. '' Even the wisest among you is only a disharmony and hybrid of plant and phantom. But do I bid you become phantoms or plants?
Lo, I teach you the Superrnan. The Superman is the meaning of the earth. Let your will say: The Superman shall be the meaning of the earth.
-Friedrich Nietzsche.
Pine Tree Shade
By Charles Phillips
No shade like pine tree shade, cool, rich, and deep. This is not darkness but withholding light, Pure silence, restful charm, untouched delight, Dawn quiet and ease of long earned sleep.
Here we will stop awhile. The world will keep. No stir, no hurry here. The far ofr fight
Of one lone bird above the airy height
Of the topmost pine is soundless in its sweep.
No shade like pine tree shade. The lacy willow Traces a weaving pattern on the grass' The trembling maples flood the leafy glade
With tides of light. But here is a green pillow
Under the pines in this cool canyon pass. Here we can rest. No shade like pine tree shade.
"Does your new stenographer use the touch system?"
"Not on me. Yet I can't help wondering myself where she gets that fur coat on the salary I pay her."
A parking space up-to-date is the place you leave your car to have those cute little dents made in the fenders.
Fairy Tales
I can no more understand that any serious injury can come to my moral nature from disbelief in Samson than from disbelief in Jack the Giant-Killer. I care as little for Goliath as for the giant Blunderbore. I am glad that children should amuse themselves with nursery stories, but it is shocking that they should be ordered to believe in them as solid facts, and then be told that such superstition is essential to morality.-Sir Leslie Stephen.
When a bit of sunshine hits ye, After passing of a cloud, When a fit of laughter gits ye
And yer spine is feelin' proud, Don't forget to up and fling it At a soul that's feelin' blue, For the minit that ye sling it It's a boomerang to you.
The Cost Of The Money Quest
After all, money can buy only a few things. Why should anyone envy the captains of industry? Their lives are made up of those vast, incessant worries from which the average individual is happily spared. Worry, worry, that is the evil of life. What do I consider the nearest approximation to happiness of which the present human nature is capable? Why, living on a farm which is one's own, far from the hectic, artificial conditions of the city."
-Thomas Edison.
"Whilst de quiah sings we will take up de colleckshun," announced the colored preacher. "Remambah, de Lawd loves a chee'ful givah. Ah reckon de Lawd loved Abraham Linkum. But Ah don' believe de Lawd laks t' see dem Linkum pennies on de plate. He made buffaloes, too, de same lak he did Linkum, an' he laks t' look at dem buffalo pickchas on de plate. An' de Lawd also laks t' look at de pickchas of dat pretty 'oman what dey puts on dimes, too."