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tDirect From Grower To Youtt
Old Kentucky Burley Tobacco is the cream of the finest crops Kentucky's bountiful soil can produceripe, rich leaves, smoothe and mellow, with that rare old-fashioned flavor and fragrance that only proper "agrng" can produce. 'IVe bank on it you have never tasted or emoked a 6ner flavored, more satisfying tobacco in all your life.
Rich, Rip., Old Fashioned Leaf
Our Old Kentucky Burley is no more like manufactured tobacco than day is like nightguaranteed free from chemicals and all other adulterations that conceal imperfectiong delude the sense of taste and undermine the health.
We use the same method our grandfatherg ueed in preparing tobacco for t[eir orrD us€-every trace of harehne$ leaves ii16t[ing to "bite" your tongue or parch your taste. Thousands of tobacco Iovers the world over swear, by its inimitable smoking and chewing qualities.
Reduce Yoru Tobacco Bill One.Hdf
We sell direct from the grower, this eliminates the eighteen cents a pound Revenue Tax-all manufac' turers' and middlemen's profit, thereby effecting a saving to you oI 50/p or more. No fancy packageg no decorations, just quality and lots of it.
Money Saving Price
Smoking or Chewbs-s lba. for $1.0O
The handiest tool around the yard for+ipping' 5"trsl-angle and cross cutting Tate the tool to the lumber pil+
Send us One Dollar CaEh, P. O. or Express Money order (no personal checke) and we will promptly ship you a five-pound package of "Burley Tobacco."
Five pounds of Old Kentucky Burley will make 40 large packagee of srroking or 50 twiets of chewing.
308 Eact 3rd St.
Loe Ansel6, Calif.
MUtual 75O8
22O First Street
We als have e few bargaiu ir u.€d t@ls TOOLS RENTED
Send 35 centg in silver and we will ship Poet-Paid-one pound of Burley Tobacco as a trial offer. A trial will convince you.
We have tfiousands of requests daily for "Samples"-our margin of profit is so $nall we cannot comply with these requeste.
We do not ship C. O. D. orders, to do so would require a large etaff of clerks. Orders must be in English language.
Mc€Iure Building - Franlfort, Ky.