1 minute read
sl .ErvrrnrocK deaignrtcs a type of quality lumber that ic prc-falricated at the Long-Bell manufacturiag plants at Loogviewr'V'ashington. T7heo delivered to q iob, it is ready to be quickly fitted togethef by carpenters.
Entedock designates'r ryctem of economical lumber conctruction which ptovides buildings of aay architectural derign from ten basic franing members.
' Entedock oimplifier f,raoe coogtnrction ac no rithcr method yet devised. It aEsures 4 soug, tighg.sturdy buitding.
[See photogtaphs ebove. *Joistr, sills, rtuds and platec go together with aa enterlockiag ioiot (patented) madc possiblc by e wedge-shaped dove-tail-a oodern adaptatioo of the old-tine sturdf oortise and tenoo building.!
N6 other buildiag material has such easily uoderstirod advaatages. In' oo other buildiag materiel can t'hese advantagir be so readily illustnted. Enter
Long,Bell I"umber Saler Corporadon lock will eolirt the attentioo of eiy prospectivc builder. It may be the vcry meant to.rp€ed the revival of buildiog io your comnunity. In the iotercrt of lumber construction, we urgc lumber dealers to iovestigate Enterlock. Surely, the dealer who stocks it will have a dis; tioct advaatege over dealers who do oot. Use the coupon below aod inform yourself about thir new building system.
Kaneag Clty, Mo.
Cdtlcocar Plcc rcod nc ftoc rqd wtth. out oblirrtloa rddldoml lnfornetion rbout Borcrlck Lutnbcr.
Speqtal Nottce
Dcalers trot yet rtocked with Enterlock can order for an individual building with mixed cars of yard lumber from Longvicw,\Tashiogton.
Iggg=Bel& IyJqDeE Sales CgEPglege!! I:rlrtqmctSirccrS?5 KANSAS CITY,MO.