1 minute read
Pernnanent Lumber
M|""t9*Sof dollare worth of -'- lurnber in service is destroyed each year through lack of adequate protection against terrnites, dry rot and decay. The use of lurnber pressuretreated with Reilly Traneparent Penetrating Creosote will elirninate this econornic waste" for it is PERMANENT.
Be sure that lumber going out frorn your plnnt bears the trade
at Petaluma
Sterling Lumber Company, w',th headquarters at Oakland, has bought the yard of Cochrane Lumber Company, Petaluma. Maurice Daubin, former manager of the company's Salinas yard, is in charge of the Petaluma yard.
Future Plywood Salesman ?
Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Harris announce the arrival of a new son at their home in Oakland, Hugh Harris, who some day may follow in his father's footsteps as a lumberman.
Mr. Harris is manager of the Elliott Bay Sales Company, Oakland.
F. S. Buckley, San Francisco, sales manager of Buckley Lumber Dealers' Supply Company, left June 19 to spend several weeks in Southern California, calling on the trade. He will also visit the Arizona territory, and while in the south will make his headquarters in Los Angeles.
Retail Lumber Yards For Sale
\Me can offer some attractive buys in retail lumber yards in Southern California. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 549 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.