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Pernnanent Lumber

Pernnanent Lumber

Weekly sailings via our own vessels from Puget Sound and Columbia River to San Francisco and San Pedro.

The Woods

Oh, when I am safe in my sylvan home, I laugh at the power of Greece and Rome; And when f am stretched beneath the pines Where the evening star so holy shines f scoff at the pride and lore of man At his Sophis school and his learned plan, For what are they all in their high conceit, When man in the woods his God may meet.

All That I Ask

I do not ask, My God, for mystic power

To heal the sick and lame, the deaf and blind; I ask Thee humbly for the gracious power Just to be kind.

I do not pray to see the shining Of highest knowledge most I pfay that, knowing well my This rnay I do.


If you must judge us, judge what we strive for. ff we are weak, be

If we are strong, pray become not arrogant.

If our mistakes injure tell us of them, and trust in our sense of justice to reparation.

If we cannot details, such as politics or religion, then let us agree 9lI the broader principle of human kindness, for when yft put aside the accumulation of opinions that are the of self-interest, we will find a family resemblance in the faces of all men.


I'm going to 'ave a little 'ome, That's rnine from end to end, Where I can srnoke an'lounge about, An' entertain a friend.

I'm going to 'ave a garden too, An' plant a shady tree, An' live so that a landlord, Will 'ave no lold on me.

I would not rise upon men below me, Or pulling at bes of men above; I would that fri a few dear friends, may know rnle And knowing, I do not pray for of splendor Or far among world's delights to the tender meaning I pray that I may Of Home ffome.

I do not ask eaven'g,golden treasure blundering life be spent; Upon my li

But Oh! I ask for the perfect pleasure Of calm not ask that man, hould point me out ly that the fn one glad heart.

Be Sure You Have Goods

A lion met a tiger, as they drank the pool, Said the tiger to the lion, "Y roaring like a fool." "That's not foolish" said the twinkle in his eyes, "They call me king of all the because f advertise."

A rabbit heard them ta , and ran home like a streak, He thought he'd try lion's plan, but his roar was a squeak.

A fox came to i had luncheon in the woods, So when you ad goods. my friend, be sure you have the


There is one virtue which no business world should neglect to

HE cOT rnn I

The colored one had applied for a "\e you familiar,with mulesP" flattering finger, ithin the crowded ily{ wid em." too well and understanding, all or wornan in the It is GRACis magindeed it is risn't toadyism. It isn't fawning upon superiors condescending to inferiors. True graciousness is not thing, put on and laid

-By Amos R. Wells. IOUSNESS. A service rendered nified to the person served un -a far greater service. as teamster. the boss. "No\suh," said Mose, "Ah knows m t'git off like a garment.. It is , kindliness, helpfulness, blended.

Forest Service Gives Few Rules as First Aid Treatment for Rattlesnalce Bitet

The common dread of all snakes and tfue fear of being bitten by a rattlesnake has spoiled many a h"ppy vacation in the foothill and mountain regions of California, according to officers of the United States Forest Service. Rattlesnake bites are painful, they say, but only a small percentage are fatal-provided one knows what to do in the way of first aid treatment, or until the services of a physician can be secured.

Here are a few rules for emergency treatment of rattlesnake bites, given by entomologists and physicians who are authorized on the subject, which the forest rangers say are well worth remembering.

1. Keep'cool. Don't run or get overheated.

2. Apply a tourniquet (rubber garter, rubber tubing or band, handker,chief, cord, shoestring) a few inches above the wound and between the wound and the heart. Bind the limb tight enough to hinder cir'culation in the veins, but not tight enough to shut off arterial flow. Loosen the tourniquet every 15 or 20 rhinutes for one to three minutes.

3. Open the fang punctures by cross-cuts /s-inch deep and rfi-inch or more long, made with a sharp sterile knife or safety razor blade. Do not slash indiscriminately or too deeply, especially on hand, foot, wrist, or ankle, as serious damage to tendons may result.

4. Suck the wound, by mouth if necessary, but be sure the mouth is free from wounds or abrasions. If suction bulb is available, apply mechanical suction f.or 20 minutes out of each hour. /-

L .'ff. anti-venomous serum is at hand, administer at once according to directions. This countera'cts the venom which may have reached the blood stream.

6. Keep the patient quiet. In the case of weak heart action and fainting give stimulants such as strong black coffee, aromatic spirits of ammonia, or strychnine. Don't give whiskey or other alcoholic drink.

7. Don't depend on snake bite "cures" or home remedies. Potassium permanganate is of no value as an antidote and may injure the tissues. Don't cauterize the site of the bite with strong acids or the like.

8. Get the patient to a physician as soon as possible.

New California Sales Tax Ellective tulv 1

Higher rates will be assessed against most purchases when the new California sales tax goes into effect July 1. Practically all foodstuffs are exempt, however, except those sold in restaurants.

The tax rate will be increased from 2l to 3 per cent of the purchase price.

This will result in the following schedule: From 1 to 14 cents, no tax; from 15 to 49 cents, 1 cent; from 50 to 83 cents, 2 cents; from 84 to $1.16, 3 cents; from $1.17 to $1.49 4 cents; and from $1.50 to $1.83, 5 cents.

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