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!0e are pleased to announce that we have opened a Southern California office in the Petroleum Securities Building, Los Angeles, which will be in charge of Dee C. Essley, in order that we may give better service to distributors of


"Red" Wood Scys.'

;t"Every fibre of Redwood has been thoroughly and positively impregnated by Nature with qualities which make it impervious to decay, insect attack or other forms of deterioration.

"Artificially treated woods preserve the outer surface only. rI7hen this 'shell' is punctured in shipping, handling, framing, etc.r the advantage of the artificial treatment is lost.

"LJse Redwood, whose proven durability is inherently an integral property of the wood itself."

Lumbermen'g Generosity Recalled American Lumber & Trcating Co. From Old Hoo Hoo File Opens San Francisco O]fice

Of particular interest to Hoo Hoo members and lumbermen in general who were in the San Francisco Bay district at the time of the great disaster of April 18, 1906, is a file in possession of Frank W. Trower, Trower Ltrmber Co., San Francisco, which records the generous act of Hoo Hoo members throughout the country in quickly subscribing and making available on April 24, jast six days after the disaster, the'sum of $2000 for the relief of members ol the Order who might be in need of temporary assistance.

Mr. Trower, who was Vicegerent Snark of the Northern California district at the time, got busy and appointed a Hoo Hoo relief committee of nine, and the file shows the names of these to be as follows: M. W. Davis, J. C. Ward, E. F. Neihaus, A. Keogh, John F. Muller, H. Templeman, R. W. Neighbor, J. C. Ellis and F. W. Trower. A copy of a display ad inserted in "The Bulletin" by the Vicegerent is preserved. This invited all Hoo Hoo members in need of temporary assistance to get in touch with him, and asked them to pass the word along.

Names of the 20 San Francisco lumber yards burned out April 18 to 20, 1906, are recorded. These are: Bellingham Bay Lumber Co., Simpson Lumber Co., Hickman & Masterson, Blyth & Trott, Leonard-Morton Lumber Co., J. F. Symington, Christenson Lumber Co., Seymour & Elliot, J. W. Schouton Lumber Co., R. C. Jones & Co., Morrison Lumber Co., Central Lumber & Mill Co., South Side Lumber Co., McCloud River Lumber Co., Edw. F. Niehaus & Co., E. A. Howard & Co., Fred H. Rowe, Allen & Higgins, Dieckmann & Co., S. H. tHarmon Lumber Co.

Letters in the file include one from R. D. Inman, of Portland, Snark of the IJniverse, telling of his efiorts in connection with the subscription of the $2000 fund, and announcing that a sum of money had been sent April 27 by Portland Hoo Hoo; also a letter from Geo. E. Merrill of Salt Lake City, advising that a sum of money had been wired to San Francisco April 27.

There is also a copy of a call sent out to Hoo Hoo by J. H. Baird, editor of the Southern Lumberman, Nashville, Tenn., Supreme Scrivenoter, asking for contributions.

Included also is a letter written June 20, 1906, from his temporary office at 337 Berry St., San Francisco, by A. J. "Gus" Russell, congratulating Vicegerent Trower on the able manner in which he handled Ho Hoo affairs during that trying period.

A humorous note is struck by the notice sent out by the Snark for a concatenation headed "The Singed Black Cats will Concatenate in San Francisco, Saturday night, August 25, 1906." Under the heading is the jingle:

All the Hoo',Hoo will be there, Their tails, though scorched, curled high in air.

A clipping from the Southern Lurrrberman of September 25, 1906, contains a report of the Hoo Hoo Annual held that year in Oklahoma City. At this meeting a letter from Snark Trower was read by Wallace W. Everett, commissioned to represent the Northern District of California. The letter announced that the money subscribed by Hoo Hoo throughout the country had not been needed and

The American Lumber & Treating Company has opened San Francisco Offices at 116 New Montgomery Street in charge of Chas. R. Wilson.

Mr. Wilson has had 20 years' experience on the Pacific Coast in the manufacture, sales and sales promotion of Douglas Fir. He has specialized in the wood preservation end of the business.

From this office they will handle sales and sales promotion of Wolmanized Fir in Northern California.

The plant, located at Wauna, Oregon, is now ready for operation.

Wolman Salts treatment has a splendid service record of more than a quarter of a century. It is positive proof against termites and decay, and the material is fire resistant. It can be varnished, shellacked or painted. It is odorless, and readily handled without injury to the person. The treatment imparts a pleasing gray color.

It is the policy of the American Lumber & Treating Company to market their materials through established channels of trade. Responsible wholesalers will be quoted net mill prices. It is to be understood, however, that the retail dealer is to be protected at all times.

The San Francisco office of this firm will also handle sales of the untreated lumber of the Crossett-Western Company, Wauna, Ore.

The firm's telephone number is SUtter 1225.

Return From Northwest Trip

D. G. MacDougall and R. A. Cole of the firm of MacDougall & Cole, Los Angeles, returned on June 24 from a week's motor trip to their source of supply, the Peterman Manufacturing Co., Tacoma, Wash.

Mr. Everett handed back a check for $2000 to be used for the Order's Imminent Distress Fund. Mr. Everett explained that very few Hoo Hoo members had accepted temporary financial assistance, and then only in the form of a loan. Local subscriptions and money sent from }foo Hoo in other California cities and Pacific Coast cities had proved sufficient.

The Snark's letter said in part: "With the money we also wish to return our heartfelt thanks for this fraternal aid so promptly and generously offered at a time when it seemed that many Hoo iHoo in this city would be in the deepest want. But the manhood of San Francisco Hoo Hoo came through the fiery test in triumph, and the grit and resolution of our boys has put them once more on their feet without using any of your fund, which represents the magnanimous giving of every part of our beloved country."

A prediction obtained in the letter has been fully fulfilled. This was: "We are now an important part of the forces which are restoring to our Nation its gateway to the Pacific, and ere long the newer and more beautiful San Francisco will arise Phoenixlike from the ashes and desolation of the past."

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